Warning Improvements by Xon

Warning Improvements by Xon 2.10.2

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  • Restore XF2.1 support
  • php 8.4+ compatibility fixes
  • Fix deleting a warning could skip show a delete confirmation dialog
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Reactions: VBX Co
  • Fix edge case where legacy warning definitions with >255 characters would cause an internal server error instead of reporting the warning definition's title was too long
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Reactions: VBX Co
  • If installed, require Alert Improvements v2.9.0+
  • Compatibility fix with Alert Improvements when warning anonymization is enabled and warning alerts are sent
  • Only show "Hide x old warnings" phrase if there are old warnings on a user's profile to hide
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Reactions: DeltaHF and VBX Co
  • Add new "Profile warning tab - Old-age limit" option
    • This option is initialized to have the same value as the "Escalating default warning expiry - Old-age limit" option
    • There is a checkbox to show these warnings if required
This add-on is now available on atelieraphelion.com
  • Require php 7.2+
  • Require Standard Library by Xon v1.18.0+
  • Fix a warning title of > 255 characters could be entered and it would be silently truncated. Field is now correctly length checked
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Reactions: VBX Co and Masetrix
  • Fix editing a warning to disable the spoilered content warning did not remove the spoiler title
  • Fix deleting a warning did not disable injecting a spoiler tag into post contents
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Reactions: Masetrix and VBX Co
  • Rename some missed phrases when updating "Escalating default warning expiry" feature
  • Fix removing expired warnings/bans for a user on the next page load was not triggering as expected
  • Fix Report Improvements integration for warning edits now showing disabled reactions flag correctly
  • Fix typo in admincp phrase
  • Fix error during updating when Report Improvements files exist, but the add-on isn't active
  • Change "Warning Escalating Defaults" related phrases text to "Escalating default warning expiry" phrases to better reflect the feature
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