View Map

View Map 1.9

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 5 reviews

The difference in someone that dabbles at code and a developer is that a developer understands his work and listens when feedback is given. Andy's Code worked perfectly on existing systems but GOOGLE made a change that requires an API for all new domains. Andy quickly identified the problem, added the needed code and released the changes within 24 hours. This is why I use the mods from AndyB, this is why I have no problem throwing a few dollars to him.
As always: A tiny, helpful and working tool ! Keep that great work on AndyB....Thank you so much !!!
AndyB has created another great add-on here. This is perfect for any forum that is trying to organize an event, or quickly relate to others where anything is located at. It was quick to install, easy enough for a beginner to configure and (as always) works like a charm!
Nothing less than perfect. You've to translate also some phrases in the viewmap.php files if you want to translate it in another language...
Another great addnot, I'm also using it from time to time, and it works well, thank you!
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