Thread Grid by Xenbros

Thread Grid by Xenbros 2.0.1

No permission to buy ($10.00)
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
Additional requirements
Thread Thumbnail addon By xenbros
Visible branding

Thread Grid addon will allow you to get Grid of thread on selected forum.

How does this addon work ?

this addon pickup the first attachment of the thread so you can get a good layout for forum

additional requirement : thread thumbnail addon By xenbros

Verision 2.0.0 - for xenforo 2.1.x or newer


Verision 1.0.2 - for xenforo 2.0.x


Finally my site is live :) need help ping there don't forget to make review​
Related resources
additional requirement : thread thumbnail addon By xenbros
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

More resources from Painbaker

Latest updates

  1. Thread grid 2.0.1

    FIx : the thread_view css issues that make grid in all place
  2. Thread Grid update for 2.1

    New Layout for 2.1 or newer more responsive with Grid Use this in only 2.1 or new version of...
  3. 1.0.2 Chnages

    Fixed known issues with thread_grid Note: Thumbnail size will now only work with Grid addon -...

Latest reviews

This is a great plugin, it works well beyond expectation, but it would be better with a little more guidance on how to adjust it.
ps: very good developer, he is ready to help you, you just need to contact him on the website (follow his time frame in the signature section)
The plugin works perfectly and absolutely as expected. However Xenbros has to improve very much the "sending instructions" part. The users receive the plugin (the same happened to me with a previous Plugin from them) without any instructions of how to configure it, so we waste a precious and great time trying to guess it by ourselves.

I.e. in my case I devoted a lot of time trying to know why the grid was correctly shown, but not the images, until I could find it by myself. But all it took me a lot of time, when if I had received some kind of instructions it would have taken me like one minute.

In resume: Cons: they have to send instructions! Pros: the Plugin works perfect
Rather than seeing the dreary normal thread listing layout of the forums in which I post a lot of photo articles, now the visitors see a very attractice wordpress like grid layout with big images pulled from each thread. This is just the thing the doctor wants for forums with pictorial threads and articles. Hemant is working on an update for 2.1 which will make the layout even more attractive like his other Latest Threads Grid Widget addon. Can't wait.
The addon is working as attended.
Coupled with the other addon Thread thumbnail, the layout of categories is jumping to another dimension :)
The developper is reactive.
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