Template Syntax: XenForo Tags

Unmaintained Template Syntax: XenForo Tags

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 6 reviews

I have this bookmarked, it's been really helpful as I customize my site for my users.
Thank you. Watch for more template oriented resources soon.
Very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Excellent explanation of XF Tags, thanks!
Love all of the good information which is being shared here! My go to guide whenever I'm wondering how to do something, especially something specific (like hiding the visitor panel from the sidebar). Thank you for sharing this, Jeremy!
saved my backside when I broke something on my forum trying to fix something else - xen:map was the solution I needed

This is very helpful article for beginner for xenForo, i also know how to use PHP, so maby that helps a lot.

Thank you, Jeremy for sharing this! :)
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