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Unmaintained Table BBCode 0.5

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I am providing an early release of this add-on which will add a table BBCode to your XenForo boards. There is a vbulletin mod that makes it possible to include tabular data in posts using an easy to use syntax. I have tried to use a similar syntax. At the moment this add-on provides only the option of specifying column headers. If no column headers are specified, some default columns headers are included. These are necessary in order to make it work with the DataTables jquery plugin that is used in this add-on.

Following is the code with the head option specified.
one | two | three
1 | 2 |

4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | ;)
This produces the table shown in the following figure.


As shown in the above figure, bbcodes and similies are parsed inside the table cells. The following figure shows the same table, this time with the head option removed and hence with the default column headers.


Please note that this is an early release. I will welcome your suggestions for making this add-on better. At some point in time, I might add more options to customize the look and feel of the tables. The choice of the DataTables jquery plugin was rather arbitrary. I will look into the possibility of using other jquery table/grid plugins with this add-on.
First release
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3.67 star(s) 3 ratings

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Very good addon. real shame it's unmaintained. Tried today with XF 1.5.12 and it worked very good. only sorting by 1st column doesn't work that well, but that is a minor issue. :) 5/5 Would install again ;)
I hope you didn't drop this. It works great for me. I really wanted the capability of tables without spending $40 for something some rudimentary; and I just don't have time to write it myself.

My only feedback would be to provide an option to remove the decorations. That is, if I don't want to sort or have navigation.
Doesn't work.
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