Special Avatar for Banned Members

Special Avatar for Banned Members 1.3.10

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Reviews 4.95 star(s) 20 reviews

installed thanks, works perfectly and makes banned members easier to identify. current members will now see banned members instantly
When the user have been lift ban by an admin, their avatar didn't show as the last avatar before they got banned.
It works great on my forum. I think it should be a default feature in xenforo 2.0. I like to show who is banned and this does the job.
Very usefull add-on. Works like a charme now :)
Thanks for this, a great mod and something that really should be a default Xenforo feature.
I like this
Easy to install, and does what it says!
Nice lol
Installed in a second and it works as advertised. Thank you!
This works great and as advertised. Great job Chris!
Very Essential Add-on. Banned Members look good now with this add-on.
Lovely add-on. Works wonderfully.
Thanks for the share ;)

Works great. Now, If I can just keep the 'funny' members from using the 'banned' avatar, it's going to work perfectly for my community. :)
Really excellent idea. It is a real pain to distinguish banned members, and this fixes that quickly.
Great idea. Installed on my forum.
Sometimes it is those little things that help make a community. This is also helpful to stop people from asking if "X" person is banned or not.
Chris D
Chris D
Thanks Dude.
good idea
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