Similar threads

Similar threads 8.5

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Similar threads v2.1 changes:

Fixed issue dealing with the Exclude forums function in the Options page.
Similar threads v2.0 changes:

1) Same forum option now working when Enhanced search is enabled.
2) Options setting "Remove quick thread" added.

Please uninstall previous version and delete the Andy/SimilarThreads directory first. Then install Similar threads v2.0 as a new install.
Similar threads v1.9 changes:

Added option to use Enhanced search.
Similar threads v1.8 changes:

Now using the repository to reduce code duplication.
Similar threads v1.7 changes:

Replaced database queries with the finder system.
Similar threads v1.6 changes:

Updated PHP files.
Similar threads v1.5 changes:

Updated PHP file to prevent server errors in non View response conditions.
Similar threads v1.4 changes:

Added Thread starter column.
Similar threads v1.3 changes:

Updated PHP code to prevent error if widget is being used and there's an empty condition.
Similar threads v1.2 changes:

Added sidebar widget option.
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Reactions: BassMan
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