Responsive AdSense

Responsive AdSense

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 20 reviews

Thanks for pulling all the responsive adsense stuff together - it's certainly made my job of upgrading to XF 1.2.x much easier (and less fraught!) - Cheers, Shaun :D
Love it worked like a charm
Very useful
thank you
Good Stuff! Thank you Brogan.
thanks so much
Super Convenient!!! Combine Div Edits with the new Google Responsive Beta for awesomeness
Excelent :)
Thank you...
Your instruction for applying the new responsive code worked perfectly. And the sample you gave worked great.
Brilliant and informative, nothing but the norm for Paul.
Crap jokes aside, all your Resources are truly awesome :)
thank you :)
Very nice tutorial, thank you Brogan!
Very nice tutorial
Very useful, thanks for this tut :)
Thank you Brogan.. Very useful!
This guide by BroBot helped me set up my responsive AdSense unit perfectly, if it weren't for the guide I'd have to do a lot of shenanigans on my own.

Ads show up perfectly on my community, on all devices. Thanks!
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