Play With Colors!

Unmaintained Play With Colors! 1.0.5

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How to use this color helper?

The basics
This helper is meant to be used inside the XenForo templates.
The minimum command is this one:

{xen:helper playwithcolors, 'yourColor'}

Replace 'yourColor' by any hexa, rgb, rgba color or even its name (the name will be internally converted to hexa using a XenForo function).
Example: red - rgb(255, 0, 0, ) - rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) - #ff0000.

This simple command will return an array with the following keys:
  • _hex: the hexa without "#"
  • _red: the red channel
  • _green: the green channel
  • _blue: the blue channel
  • _hue: the hue value
  • _staturation: the saturation value
  • _lightness: the lightness value
  • _alpha: the alpha channel
  • isLight: if the color is a light one
  • isDark: if the color is a dark one
  • hex: the hexa string ready to use
  • rgb: the rgb string ready to use
  • rgba: the rgba string ready to use
  • hsl: the hsl string ready to use
  • hsla: the hsla string ready to use
  • argb: the arbg string ready to use
As getting an array is not convenient, if you only need one key, just specify a second parameter for this helper which will be the "helper command". Example:
{xen:helper playwithcolors, 'yourColor', 'rgba'}

Where the fun begins: modify any color settings
The color settings are the keys starting with a '_' (except _hexa); in other words:
  • _red: the red channel
  • _green: the green channel
  • _blue: the blue channel
  • _hue: the hue value
  • _staturation: the saturation value
  • _lightness: the lightness value
  • _alpha: the alpha channel
The command name to modify the color settings is 'modify'. You will have to use then a third parameter for the helper. It will be used to enter any options.

{xen:helper playwithcolors, 'yourColor', 'modify', 'modificationsToDo'};

Let's see now how to use this third parameter. Every modifications must be separated with a ";". Each modification must start with the color setting name without "_"), then comes this symbol ":" to set a new value or to increase/decrease the actual value. An example will be easier:

{xen:helper playwithcolors, 'yourColor', 'modify', 'red:+5;  green:-7 ;blue:123;'};

In this example, your color will be modified this way:
  1. It's red channel will be increased of 5 points
  2. It's green channel will be decrease of 7 points
  3. And the blue channel will have a new value: 123
Please note that the above code will outpout the same big array than the one described above. If you want to get only one output, do like this:
{xen:helper playwithcolors, 'yourColor', 'modify', 'red:+5;  green:-7 ;blue:123; hex'};
This will output the hex string ready to use. The possible outputs are: _hex, hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, and argb.

Where the fun continues: get pre-formatted gradients

Now you understand how the helper works, no need to go in further details. To get pre-formatted gradients, use the command 'gradient'. You will have tow ways of doing it:
  1. With a single color and a value to darken or lighten the color (the darken/lighten will be automatically done)
    {xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryDark', 'gradient', '20'}

  2. With two colors
    {xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryDark', 'gradient', '@primaryLight'}

A quick view of the "calc" command

Edit: The cacl command is still there but now with the commands from "Less CSS" script, it's not needed anymore. I keep it for reference.

For this paragraph, I'm going to use a screenshot and the source code which allows to get that screenshot.


Template code:
   <div style="padding:15px">
     <p>For each example, the first line will be the addition of the two colors hexa, which explains why the result can be black</p>
     <p>The second line wille be medium color between the two given</p>

<xen:set var="$uglyCss">display:inline-block;width:200px;height:70px;border:1px solid grey; padding:1px</xen:set>

<p> Example 1:</p>

  <xen:set var="$firstColor">#FF0000</xen:set>
  <xen:set var="$secondColor">#00FF00</xen:set>
  <xen:set var="$newColor.1">{xen:helper playwithcolors, '{$firstColor}', 'calc', '{$secondColor}'}</xen:set>
  <xen:set var="$newColor.2">{xen:helper playwithcolors, '{$firstColor}', 'calc', '|{$secondColor}'}</xen:set>

  <xen:foreach loop="$newColor" value="$color" i="$i">
     <div style="{$uglyCss}; background-color:{$firstColor}">First color:{$firstColor}</div>
     <div style="{$uglyCss}; background-color:{$secondColor}">Second color:{$secondColor}</div>
     <div style="{$uglyCss}; background-color:{$color}">New color ({$i}):{$color}</div>
   <br />

<p> Example 2:</p>
  <xen:set var="$xenColor.1">{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryLighterStill', 'calc', '@primaryLightest', 'rgb'}</xen:set>
  <xen:set var="$xenColor.2">{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryLighterStill', 'calc', '|@primaryLightest', 'rgb'}</xen:set>

  <xen:foreach loop="$xenColor" value="$color" i="$i">
     <div style="{$uglyCss}; background-color:@primaryLighterStill">First color:@primaryLighterStill</div>
     <div style="{$uglyCss}; background-color:@primaryLightest">Second color:@primaryLightest</div>
     <div style="
       {xen:if '{xen:helper playwithcolors, '{$color}', '_lightness'} < 0.5 ', 'color:white', 'color:black'}
       ">New color ({$i}):{$color}</div>
   <br />

A quick view of all other commands


<xen:set var="$eCss">width:100px;height:100px</xen:set>

<div style="width:80%;padding:20px">
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'multiply', '@primaryLighterStill', 'hex'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'screen', '@primaryLighterStill'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'overlay', '@primaryLighterStill'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'softlight', '@primaryLighterStill'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'hardlight', '@primaryLighterStill'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'difference', '@primaryLighterStill'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'exclusion', '@primaryLighterStill'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'average', '@primaryLighterStill'}"></div>
   <div style="clear: both;"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'mix', '@primaryLighterStill', '70', 'rgb'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'mix', '@primaryLighterStill', '50', 'rgb'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'mix', '@primaryLighterStill', '30', 'rgb'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'tint', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'tint', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'tint', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'shade', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'shade', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'shade', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'saturate', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'saturate', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'saturate', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'desaturate', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'desaturate', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'desaturate', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'lighten', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'lighten', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'lighten', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'darken', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'darken', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'darken', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fade', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fade', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fade', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fadein', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fadein', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fadein', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fadeout', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fadeout', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'fadeout', '30'}"></div>
   <div style="float:left">
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'spin', '70'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'spin', '50'}"></div>
     <div style="{$eCss};background-color:{xen:helper playwithcolors, '@primaryMedium', 'spin', '30'}"></div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<br />
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