[OzzModz] Approval Queue Improvements

[OzzModz] Approval Queue Improvements 2.1.3

No permission to buy ($10.00)
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Additional requirements
Standard Library by Xon
Single Use License (may be used on one website)
Updates duration
Lifetime for Xenforo versions listed above
Visible branding
Date range filter, default filters, ajax loader, content hard deletion and more...


  • New filter - date range with presets
  • Option to save filters (will be used as default from staff bar link)
  • Ajax loader for more unapproved contents (by default XF shows only 50 unapproved items)
  • Menu that allows to mark check boxes for all loaded items to approve, reject or delete
  • Hard delete action support to Posts, Threads, Profile posts & comments (available only if user has hard-delete permission for each type, GLOBAL. NO NODE-SPECIFIC)
  • Ability to change destination forum of thread from Approval Queue
In other languages:

Фильтр по диапазону дат, сохранение фильтров, AJAX-загрузчик, "физическое" удаление содержимого и другое...

Функции плагина:

  • Новый фильтр - диапазон дат с предопределенными настройками
  • Настройка для сохранения фильтров (будут использоваться при входе в "В ожидании одобрения")
  • Ajax-загрузчик содержимого (по умолчанию XF отображает только 50)
  • Меню для массовой отметки действия для всего содержимого на странице
  • Действие "физического удаления" с поддержкой тем, сообщений, сообщений и комментариев профиля (требует права "физического удаления" на каждый тип each type, ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ. НЕ ДЛЯ КОНКРЕТНЫХ УЗЛОВ)
  • Возможность изменения форума-назначения для темы напрямую на странице "в ожидании одобрения"


Related resources
  • 1.webp
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  • 3.webp
    21.6 KB · Views: 583
  • 123.webp
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  • 8.webp
    4.3 KB · Views: 506
  • 9.webp
    4.2 KB · Views: 495
  • aqi1.webp
    12.6 KB · Views: 445
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

More resources from Ozzy47

Latest updates

  1. [OzzModz] Approval Queue Improvements for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.1.3

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  2. [OzzModz] Approval Queue Improvements for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.1.2

    2.1.2: Added option to apply filters for unapproved items counter in staff bar (disabled by...
  3. [OzzModz] Approval Queue Improvements for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.1.1

    2.1.1: Added hard-delete, reason, notify support for [XenAddons] Article Management System...

Latest reviews

I purchased this add-on to make the work of the moderators easier, and like all the other Ozzy add-ons, I really enjoy the add-on.
The support of its developer Painbaker is also very efficient and kind, and at my request they even added additional parameters in the plugin at no extra charge.
highly recommend.
Another great add-on from Ozzy47, a great developer in the XF scene. This product is a must have and god send for me, since my site is basically a news aggregator, dealing manually with more than 4.000 new threads from my feeds by day.
Just imagine clicking everyday, deleting, hard deleting, moving threads to another node, every single day! Well, my problem now is solved. No bugs, no server errors and work as designed.
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