[MODM] AjaxChat integration for XenForo

Unmaintained [MODM] AjaxChat integration for XenForo beta 2a

No permission to download
Added back some missing XenPorta files.
Do you find this add-on useful? Neat? Awesome? Do not hesitate to DONATE to support its development.


The add-on is now in Beta stage. I'll focus on bug fixes but probably won't accept new features until it is mostly stable.

In this update :
  • Full XF 1.2 compatibility, design responsiveness included.
  • Major and minor bugfixes.
To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- if you have specific CDN configuration or custom styles settings, you may want to copy the styles/default/modm folder to your custom imagePath location.
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml
- Go to AdminCP > Options > AJAX-Chat options to edit your settings.

No need to import XenPorta and WidgetFrameworks modules again.
French language XML file has been updated.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. This is much appreciated. :)
Do you find this add-on useful? Neat? Awesome? Do not hesitate to DONATE to support its development.


The add-on is now in Beta stage. I'll focus on bug fixes but probably won't accept new features until it is mostly stable. Next step is also to ensure compatibility with 1.2, I'll let you know when this is completed.

In this update :
  • Language selection support in the integrated chat interface (index.php?chat/shoutbox). Languages still have to be defined in the chat/lib/config.php file.
  • Minor bugfixes and styling improvements.
To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- if you have specific CDN configuration or custom styles settings, you may want to copy the styles/default/modm folder to your custom imagePath location.
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml
- Go to AdminCP > Options > AJAX-Chat options to edit your settings.

No need to import XenPorta and WidgetFrameworks modules again.
French language XML file has been updated.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. This is much appreciated. :)
Please read carefully this update description: the navigation workflow has been modified, and new options have been introduced that you may want to be aware of.

In this update :
  • Full integration of the chat view in xenForo, including for guests :
    • online users list
    • channel selection
    • settings
    • help
    • sound
    • BBCode
    • ...
  • New navigation workflow : login -> shoutbox -> logout
  • New options :
    • Ability to totally disable Ajax-Chat native UI
    • DB options replacing buggy "requestMessagePriorChannelEnter" options
    • Ability to select the chat moderators group
  • Better performance depending on selected nodes for channels generation
  • Squashed bugs, lots of them.

To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- if you have specific CDN configuration or custom styles settings, you may want to copy the styles/default/modm folder to your custom imagePath location.
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml
- Go to AdminCP > Options > AJAX-Chat options to edit your settings.

You will need to import XenPorta blocks again.
French language XML file has been updated as well.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. This is much appreciated. :)
This version fixes a missing uninstallation callback. Sorry for this. For those with the bug described there, please reinstall and uninstall again.
In this update:
  • Fixed error encountered in ajaxchat-chat settings page when provided with wrong or empty database informations (esp. on new installations)
  • Fixed logout redirection, autostart and autofocus
  • Added overlay support for chat message reports

To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml
- Go to AdminCP > Options > AJAX-Chat options to edit your settings.

No need to import XenPorta blocks again.
No need to import French language again.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. This is much appreciated. :)
In this update:
  • Added a complete set of userful options
  • Added shoutbox functions: delete/report message handling within shoutbox, window/tab title blink on new message...
  • Added shoutbox controls: channel select, toggle sounds, toggle autoscroll
  • Fixed display bugs in widgets and XenPorta blocks

To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml
- Go to AdminCP > Options > AJAX-Chat options to edit your settings.

You will have to import XenPorta blocks again.

You'll might need to import French language again.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. ^_^
In this update:
  • Fixed XenPorta & WidgetFramework blocks (CSS issues and display improvements)
  • Fixed a bug with language files.

To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml

You will have to import XenPorta blocks again.

No need to import French language again.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. By doing so you help me making it better and better.
  • Like
Reactions: kankan
In this update:
  • Fixed a lost permission test that kicked out standard users if not in debug mode - Sorry for this!
  • Added option to strictly limit channels to the nodes selected in AdminCP Options.
  • Added options to enable/disable private channels and messages.
  • Added option to show/hide chatBot standard messages.

To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml

No need to import XenPorta blocks again.
French language needs to be imported again if needed.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. By doing so you help me making it better and better.
Changes in this alpha2 version:
  • Fixed chat login link in chat/login.
  • Fixed chat logout redirect in the same way.
  • Fixed permissions in XenPorta & WidgetFramework modules.
  • Removed full forums/categories channels generation and added a list of nodes to select in AJAX-Chat Options.
  • Added some missing phrases.

To update your existing installation:
- Copy the archive content over existing files
- Install library/MODM/AJAXChat/addon-modm_ajaxchat.xml

No need to import XenPorta blocks again.
French language needs to be imported again if needed.

Thank you for testing this add-on and reporting the bugs you encounter. :)
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