[Liam W.] Thread Solutions

[Liam W.] Thread Solutions 2.5.0

No permission to download
Changed :
  • N/A
Added :
  • Now you can convert solutions from this add-on to solutions by XenForo via "Rebuild".
Removed :
  • N/A
Note :
  • This version of the add-on is now compatible with the version 2.2.0 Beta 1 and higher of XenForo. If you are using this add-on with XenForo 2.2, we recommend you to convert your solutions and remove this add-on since all the features are included in XF2.2.
If you have questions, ask us !


  • xs_liamw_threadsolutions_convert.webp
    25.6 KB · Views: 62
Changed :
  • The JS file was missing from the downloads.
Added :
  • N/A
Removed :
  • N/A
Note :
  • N/A
If you have questions, ask me !
Changed :
  • Changed add-on title to [Liam W.] Thread Solutions.
  • Some change in the Setup.php.
Added :
  • Added a LICENSE.md file for the MIT license.
Removed :
  • N/A
Note :
  • This version of the add-on requires version 2.1.0 Beta 1 and higher of XenForo.
If you have questions, ask me !
  • Improve compatibility by decreasing specificity of template modification regular expression
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Reactions: Unique Username
  • Switch back to old system of having a field for whether a thread has a solution in order to prevent n+1 queries on thread lists
  • Add an index to the xf_liamw_threadsolutions_is_solution column to improve performace on user solution list
Note: This update may take a while to install on large boards due to the nature of the upgrade queries. Please upgrade at a quiet time using the CLI.
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Reactions: SyTry
Minor bug fixes
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Reactions: SyTry
  • Re-add the old 'Balloon' display style from the XF1 version of this add-on
    • This is a style property
    • You can have both the ballon and status bar styles active simultaneously
  • Make the fields provided by this add-on visible to API requests


  • Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.16.webp
    Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.16.webp
    12.9 KB · Views: 89
  • Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.20.webp
    Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.20.webp
    10.8 KB · Views: 57
  • Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.38.webp
    Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.38.webp
    21.2 KB · Views: 51
  • Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.52.webp
    Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.52.webp
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  • Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.59.webp
    Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.48.59.webp
    25.4 KB · Views: 47
  • Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.56.00.webp
    Screenshot 2019-02-01 at 22.56.00.webp
    12.9 KB · Views: 79
  • Like
Reactions: SyTry and GERINO
Fix error when creating/modifying thread.
This update includes a major refactor of the 'solution count' system, which was very bugged in previous releases.

Solution counts now respect the visibility of both the thread and the message.

Upon upgrade, solution counts will be re-built.

If you are using this on a large board, I highly recommend upgrading this add-on using the CLI system at a quiet time. The solution count rebuild may take a long time.

Developers Notes
The liamw_threadsolutions_has_solution field has been removed in 2.3.0, and is superseded by the Solutions relation, which checks for message visibility. Please use Solutions->count() to check if a thread has one or more solutions.
  • Added alert (and alert opt-out) for when a post is marked as a solution
  • Added 'Solutions' count to user stats (appears on member tooltip, and member profile page)
  • Fixed some small bugs
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