added: a new style property to let you choose the background gradient color of title and description container of categories that have image
added: a new style property to let you set the margin-bottom for the background gradient color of title and description container of categories that have image
added: tooltip for title and description of categories (useful for where the title and description is long and so trimmed)
Improvement: now it shows the size of categories exactly the same, either you upload image for them, or it picks the image automatically from category.
css improvement: now all grids will have a max-height and they will be displayed in same height (max-heigh added feature: can be set in style property of "Image Height")
Now Child categories will be displayed in Parent Category's page (step by step) Example: if A is parent, and B is A's child and C is B's child, now if you unchecked the "Display Child Categories" option, then A will be displayed in XFRM's index page, and B will be displayed in A's page, and C will be displayed in B's page. and like this in any depth you came with categories
added feature: if you chech "Pick Latest Image as Category Image?" option, then if a category has media uploaded, then the category image will be set automatically to the latest uploaded image in that category. anyway, if you manually set image from acp for that category, the image you set will be set as its image, and not the latest image inside that category.