The add-on itself is quite useful if you have the desire to control your discord through xenforo. Nice that it also syncs role directly rather than waiting on a cron to do it for you with the ability that it will not override your custom discord roles.
Great to have new threads notifications, but shame it lacks new replies in thread notifications. Overall, while being a great system I feel like it's also lacking in functions. Such as a 2-way role sync feature, which I might add I had to pay extra to for it to be included.
After fully testing the system, I wasn't fully satisfied with it and wanted to have a refund (with of course me removing all the source files) as their policy did did mention they have a "reasonable" refund policy (but also did mentioned the right to refuse it) as you can't really always test a system properly without you testing it to an extend to see if its the right product for you and the forums.
I was flat out refused a refund, even when I gave my reasoning. As such giving it a 3 star.
The discord add-on is great to a specific extend, don't get me wrong there. But I just felt like it wasn't complete (hence the refund), but flat out refusing the refund feels like a hit and run to me.