Digital Point Search

Digital Point Search 2.0.0

No permission to buy ($150.00)
  • Updated for ElasticSearch 2.x
  • Updated for ElasticSearch 5.x
  • Deleted content (Posts, Profile Posts and Threads) are indexed when doing a full rebuild
  • New option: "Ignore Serialized Data"
  • Removed some of the node CPU stats when using version of ElasticSearch that doesn't support those stats
  • Changed how some classes load for better compatibility with other addons
  • New analyzer option: Custom stemming analyzer with language (indexes numbers, treats punctuation as stop words)
  • If optimize mapping fails, show reason in server error log
  • Node stats included info about index (creation date, analyzer type, tokenizer, language, filters)
  • Node stats included info about operating system and processors
  • Changes to better support Elasticseach 1.4.x and higher
  • Updated for better compatibility with XenForo Enhanced Search 1.1
  • Force user_ids to be integers (sometimes XenForo passes them as a string)
  • Like
Reactions: Brent W
  • If you are using XenForo 1.3, the user's email and username *history* become searchable (from change log in XF 1.3).
  • New option under Search Options... "Index User's Email History" (allows you to disable indexing user's email addresses)
  • Stats block works with Elastic Search 1.0.0
  • A few additional stats reported (deleted documents, open file descriptors, processors, Elastic Search version)
  • No longer need XenForo's cache to have auto_serialization on
  • Fixed issue with old versions of PHP (5.2/5.3) - no change for PHP 5.4/5.5
  • Install process utilizes Digital Point Marketplace automated brand removal API (for those with a branding-free license)
Automatically disable conversation searches if Elastic Search isn't installed/enabled.
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