Daily Statistics

Unmaintained Daily Statistics 1.3.5

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Reviews 4.87 star(s) 27 reviews

Nice work. Every admin likes more stats. :D
Now it's perfect! Thanks MattW.
I freaking love this, so helpful. And it really allows me to see that my site is growing monthly. must have for all sites
Cracking little add-on for those of us admins who are stat-geeks!! (aren't we all?!!) :)))
Doesn't have "ACP Display Active Users" toggle in the Options. Lacks a few phrases (for Active Users 7 Days and 30 Days). Otherwise, brilliant little addon.
Or you could have just reminded me about the phrases! "ACP Display Acitve Users" was never requested as an option.
I installed it like the other add ons but its not showing on forum. I only have Forum Statistics. Entered options and enabled it to show on forum home but nothing.
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