CTA Recent Posts

CTA Recent Posts 1.0.0

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Latest reviews

This is a form saver. Switching over to xF from vB (which had a similar hack installed), left my members dazed & confused. This addon fixed that. THANK YOU
Perfect. You may have to edit the execution order of the template edit to work if you have the new post indicator mod from Chris installed. Word count....
Excellent!! Like an idiot, I accidentally marked all new posts as read and immediately began searching for an easy way I could add "recent posts" to the nav bar to make things easier for me. I'm so happy to have found this add-on. Easy install and adds much needed basic functionality. Thank you for creating the add-on and thank you offering it for free!!
Simply overcomes one of my annoyances with default XF & gives my members what they are used to on our old FBB platform. We may want to revist a new post we've already seen or a post we've made. This makes doing so simple. Should be standard. I'd like to see feature enhanced further with option to browse back by day or week.
Definitely needed
Thanks, Brogan! Very useful.
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