Avatar Moderation

Unmaintained Avatar Moderation 1.1.4

No permission to buy ($9.99)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 4 reviews

This version included a small fix that we requested. Top notch and fast response from the DEV. I love this plug-in.
This is perfect for forums that receive ads from Google (and other sources) proper. It allows us to personally monitor and approve/disprove avatars that might make the Ad Gods angry. Pleasing the Ad Gods after the fact is quite a process. It was a lowly avatar that had not seen the light of day in over 10 years that got us dropped from their "nice" list.

As you can imagine, it was like finding a needle in a haystack. Going through all of the other 27,000 avatars to ensure no other infractions existed just sucked. This add-on prevents us from having to deal with issues like this. I'm happy to report that this latest release fits our need perfectly and the Ad Gods are pleased. :)

Great job Nobita!
installed in xenForo 1.4.4 and working absolutely perfect. This addons is very useful to avoid annoying avatars. great developer, great addons and great service! thank you Nobita!
Very nice for business sites or for when you want more control over avatars, works great.
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