Allow Moderators to View Forum while board is Inactive

Unmaintained Allow Moderators to View Forum while board is Inactive

Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
I remember seeing a tutorial out there for XenForo 1.x but now with the release of Xenforo 2, I decided to make a refined version of it. You can view the XenForo 1 version on how to do this tutorial here.

This tutorial is not...
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5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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Exactly what I was looking for, works perfectly and allows mods to view the board when I'm working on it.
Merci pour le tutoriel, je vais essayer ^^, the patch for the file is : "\src\XF\Pub\Controller" you forgot "XF" in the patch
Good work with this. Easy to understand and to follow. I've never really seen this around so cheers.
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