Add to Mobile Home Screen

Unmaintained Add to Mobile Home Screen 1.4.1

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 3 reviews

Awesome share and add-on. This add-on is very simple, but very helpful for returning visitors on the mobile device. This should be implemented within XF Core since so many people are using mobile technology these days.

I do believe the mobile view count and users will continually grow and be the primary inbound traffic within any website or page.

Awesome share man, it works perfectly and I would also agree with RobinHood to possibly add some simple usergroup permission.
Thanks for the review, I added some basic user group permissions
Very useful, and impressive resource. It worked perfectly across all iOS devices, as advertised and is a very useful addition to my forum. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the review, I obviously can't take credit for the script itself. I thought it was a neat script that others would benefit from so shared it. Glad it was useful.
Fantastic first resource. Works perfectly on the iOS devices tested so far. Hopefully we'll see some permissions in the next version so that it only appears to registered members or specific user groups :-)
Thanks RobinHood, I will take into the permissions tomorrow as ran out of time today. :)
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