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  • Where did the rest of my Southern Comfort go?
    I may or may not have drunk it, I am unable to say :)
    Paul B
    Paul B
    Another Southern Comfort fan, eh?
    You need some special brew Kier, it'll put hairs on your chest ^_^
    How long have you been coding for, because i've been coding PHP for 5 years now, and Javascript (prototype) for about a year now, How come you used jQuery and not prototype btw? :)
    How long? 15 years.
    Why jQuery? Because there's nothing better.
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    Reactions: Eagle
    James Freeman
    James Freeman
    Wow, that's a long time, and on the jQuery front.. We'll have to agree to disagree.. hehe. I prefer the syntax of Prototype and Script-A..
    Hi Kier, I do have a quick question. Could you please tell me what library did you used to make the menu of (click on "Forums")
    I wrote that code myself, it doesn't use a library apart from YUI (because it's included with vBulletin) for basic cross-browser event handling and DOM manipulation.
    Hi Kier, I'd like to have that functionality on my forums. Are you interested in selling that product? I'm talking about the "forums index" that appears when clicking on "Forums".
    Any such arrangement would need to be made with the agreement and cooperation of AVForums, as I believe they now own the rights to the code.
    Do you code xenForo on a Mac or a PC? Im just curious sorry to bother.
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    Reactions: Michael Dance
    Well, I think that if you watch out with what you're downloading, you won't get that much viruses. And than, if you have a good virus scanner, they won't get through. Haven't had a virus in 4-5 years or so ;)
    Michael Dance
    Michael Dance
    yeah i got the best protection i have and i havent had one, but the idiots hide them everywhere you could click a website link and download one without knowing :l
    Michael, I'm jumping in a few days late (ok like a week)... but coding for Mac / Windows isn't "harder" or "easier." In terms of viruses, the number of users for Windows far outweighs the number of users for Mac, so they naturally want to destroy the most and chose Windows. Really, the Mac vs. Windows debate is all about personal preference.
    is there a video on how to import mods to the Xenforo probably i may sound like a noob but id had some troubles lol.
    Hey Kier! Could I request that your next development video be about content types and handlers? Basically, how to create your own content types, and then process handlers? Likes, Reports, Alerts, News Feeds, Searches, Spam, and Moderation Queues?
    Anthony Parsons
    Anthony Parsons
    Oh yer.... this is seriously something that devs need as an integral part of XF is about likes, comments, reporting, etc... and these features should be included into mods.
    Digital Doctor
    Digital Doctor
    Xenforo: I'm Loving it !
    Jaxel's work has made me love Xenforo even more and his plugins are some of the reasons I keep bragging about xenforo and it's future. If Kier could help him, that would be awesome assistance for the greater Xenforo Community. :)
    +1 thanks
    Hi Kier, I've asked this in the forums but no staff have replied, will there be an official ipb conversion script in time for the stable release of Xenforo?
    I hope so, but if not it won't be far behind.
    You sir, are a legend!
    Will there be a hide content mod for xenforo??? This could really get XenForo used alot more and recognised
    I believe alot of people are waiting for this mod and this mod only to make a full switch to xenForo
    Great Product and a game changer Kier! I am have no doubt that you guys will rock the community software business.
    wow.. its kier! Just bought your product... I plan to interview you one day, when my forum is very successful in the future. Good work man! Btw im 16, so I had to beg my mom for the license lol. Your a cool guy, read alot about you... Im happy I didnt go to vB, thanks for making such a great software along with mike. Nice to meet you.
    Nice to have you here, and thanks to your mother!
    Kier, one thing...I have never seen a photo of you and Eminem together...separated at birth or the same person? (Joking).

    Love the work you are doing on XF. Keep it up!!
    I'd like to request that you provide us with the details of how to track those matters of public record, since, being public, that is information to which we're entitled. Thanks and we're hangin' in there with ya!
    Thanks for posting that updated statement about IB's pathetic but not surprising actions. They're pretty scared of XF, I'd say.
    I would imagine that during the filings, etc. that some of these actions are of public record.
    (continued in next post)
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