Recent content by ZacG

  1. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    Suggestion: Duplicate Server
  2. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    I've been styling it to match the forums at the moment. Question, How do I make it see the users on teamspeak 3 it just shows " - "
  3. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    You can see it at if you want. Plus it only shows when position set to all.
  4. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    It works when I do that, though it needs styling. Edit, Only when I set position to all
  5. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    Yep all 3 are ticked. I dont have the foggiest idea how to do that...
  6. Z

    [8WR] XenRio (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    @Jaxel Could you add a betting feature to this or separate so we could bet site credits on the outcome of matches. If so I'd buy it.
  7. Z

    Add-on LiveSteam Betting

    Im looking for a addon that would allow users to bet with their site credit on the results of livestream matches. We run a gaming community that regularly watches counter-strike matches. I understand that the outcome of the match wouldn't be automatic but this is something a...
  8. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    Just xenporta 2 issues, but i'm looking into them.
  9. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    I pmed you it, I did add 3 but unable to see them on the forums.
  10. Z

    Game Servers [Deleted]

    I'm failing to get it to display, I've added it to my site and widget framework. But can't see it on the site/sidebar. Thoughts?
  11. Z

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Any thoughts on adding a way for it to update the users Avatar (if selected) for them when they change avatars on Steam. I think this would be a good addition.
  12. Z

    [TH] More Tagging [Deleted]

    I think it should be @OP since thats universal for most forums.. (OP = Original Poster.)
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