Recent content by Sutekh

  1. Sutekh

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Has this been implemented?
  2. Sutekh

    XF 1.3 Major issue, white screen, forum gone?

    Nothing showed up on the first option, and what am I looking for in the server error log?
  3. Sutekh

    XF 1.3 Major issue, white screen, forum gone?

    I've had this problem also, but it resolved itself when we cleared the site cache, but now one member cant seem to connect it's just a white screen for them.
  4. Sutekh

    Change domain name?

    Thank you!
  5. Sutekh

    Change domain name?

    Is it costly to change the domain name but keep the same hosting?
  6. Sutekh

    Show Deleted

    Does this work on blogs also?
  7. Sutekh

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Not sure if this is the right place to post, but uh how do I change the name of the Navtab for the chat?
  8. Sutekh

    Side By Side Nodes

    Is the guy still around? and if not does anyone else know? I really need to figure out a way to fix this.
  9. Sutekh

    Side By Side Nodes

    How do I fix the bunched up look on mobile? I reverted it back to it's original look but I'd really like to use this on my site, but it looks weird for mobile while it looks perfect for pc.
  10. Sutekh


    It worked
  11. Sutekh

    Managing Nav Tabs?

    Is there an easier way to move current tabs? like I want to move the about us page to the end of the navigation bar
  12. Sutekh

    XF 1.4 Footer

    How do I change the color of the footer text, and is it possible to have it a different color for another theme?
  13. Sutekh


    Didn't work
  14. Sutekh


    how do I fix this? I tried to have the image cover the whole thing but it doesn't want to cover the entire page. I tried altering the HTML and body within the style properties and they seem to only work with the upper half.
  15. Sutekh

    Chat by Siropu [Paid]

    Alright, one moment.
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