Recent content by sinful

  1. sinful

    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    Thanks for the reply. You have a good point, and we are trying our best to stop spambots from signing up too. However from time to time there will be human spam users who can get around these registration spam safeguards, and having the Spam Management checks in place can deter them from...
  2. sinful

    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    Thanks for this add-on, its great. One feedback: Can all answers to form questions go through the XenForo spam management checks? i.e. the spam phrases, Akismet checks etc. Noticed that spam users who managed to sign up successfully can get around the XenForo spam management checks and...
  3. sinful

    XF 1.3 Replacing quick reply with start conversion with thread starter

    Hey Liam, that'll be awesome mate! Will give you some beer money as a token of appreciation. One feature to add would be being able to select which forums this would be applicable to :) Cheers
  4. sinful

    XF 1.3 Replacing quick reply with start conversion with thread starter

    Hey everyone! At the bottom of a thread page, by default there is the quick reply field: I would like to modify it such that upon submission of the reply, instead of adding a reply to the thread, it starts a conversion with the thread starter, and the conversation name be the thread name...
  5. sinful

    [TRN] Clean and Simple Thread Lists

    Brillant add-on! Just installed this on local install xF 1.3x and seems to be running fine. Anyone have any issues running this on below xF 1.5?
  6. sinful

    [FS] Events [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hi, Looks awesome! Wondering if it's possible to filter events on the calendar page by Tags? Thanks :)
  7. sinful

    Check how many users signed up via Facebook

    thanks @AndyB . This add-on sends an email for a new register, does it also show the number of existing users that signed up via the "log in with Facebook" button?
  8. sinful

    XMWidgets - bd Widget Framework Extension [Paid]

    Hi, Is thread prefix supported on the widget? Thanks.
  9. sinful

    Check how many users signed up via Facebook

    Is there a way to check how many users signed up on your xenForo forum via the "log in with Facebook" button? Thanks
  10. sinful

    XF 1.3 Change thread prefix with one click

    Found a solution.. This can be achieved by using this add-on and renaming "marked as solved" as "marked as sold": I took it a step further by adding the template on a widget and decorating the text "marked as...
  11. sinful

    Add-on Simple Groups Preview

    Hi, Any estimated release date for this add-on?
  12. sinful

    XF 1.3 Allow users to close / mark their threads as resolved

    This can be achieved by using this add-on and renaming "marked as solved" as "marked as sold": I took it a step further by adding the template on a widget and decorating the text "marked as sold" into a button...
  13. sinful

    XF 1.4 Add Facebook "Share" button instead of recommend?

    U could use something like or They have "Share" buttons. Add the code into a widget. Then hide the default xenforo sharing functions.
  14. sinful

    ******* - Post Comments [Paid] [Deleted]

    Nice idea, two questions: 1. What happens to the comments if I uninstall this add-on? 2. Does this work in resource manager? i.e. comments on individual resources. Thanks :)
  15. sinful

    XMWidgets - bd Widget Framework Extension [Paid]

    Your "Similar Threads" widget is easily the most used add-on on my community! Please could you add a "Similar Resources" too? Would really appreciate it. Thanks!
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