Recent content by Phife

  1. Phife

    XF 1.5 XF 1.5 to XF 2.1

    Hi all, We are a relatively large forum with nearly 30k members and nearly 1.2 million posts, we are looking to upgrade to 2.1 in the near future. However many addons we use are simply no longer available for XF 2.1, we have either found alternatives made by other developers or dropped the...
  2. Phife

    XF 1.5 Custom database bridge

    Hi there, I run a gaming community which also has a game server where players must make accounts. I would like to somehow link their game accounts to their forum accounts. I have been testing Invision Power Board for the past week and I could just enter my database details, table name, column...
  3. Phife

    [TH] Join User Group [Deleted]

    Also getting the same error!
  4. Phife

    XF 1.2 Null Content Moderators

    Sorry for the bump. This happens to me as well. ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to a member function getContentTitle() on a non-object - library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Moderator.php:379 Generated By: John, Yesterday at 9:34 PM Stack Trace #0 [internal function]...
  5. Phife

    Can Warn Staff

    @Xon - You've done a really great job with this plugin. Many thanks :love:
  6. Phife

    Warning moderators

    It's the little things that count. The bans for me is perfectly fine. It's just the moderators being immune to everything which is annoying. A simple toggle in the perms would be awesome. Please don't forget to like the first post if you support this so we can get recognition.
  7. Phife

    Not a bug Alphabetical and numerical ordering is illogical

    I hope that this classifies as a bug report. I would also like to apologise in advance for the really bad explanation. The alphabetical and numerical ordering does not follow the logical method. For instance: The above order should have 'Gang 1' then 'Gang 2' however it has 'Gang 1', 'Gang...
  8. Phife

    Warning moderators

    Please like the first post so they recognise this. I know it's a very small and minor issue for most forum owners however this is a growing issue in my community. We have a large board with a vast variety of sections and staff. We're not using any social group plugin and we are happy with our...
  9. Phife

    Warning moderators

    We have a forum where we have many groups, each group has their own sub forum which members moderate. Because they are a moderator of their group forum, if they break rules across the other forums it doesn't allow us to issue warns to them. So I suggest that the 'Bypass warning' is created for...
  10. Phife

    XF 1.3 Site log in with and without www.

    If you log in on XenForo using www. infront of your domain name and then visit a page without the www. then XenForo will ask you to log in again. How can we allow the cookies to work on both www. and without www. domains? I hope I made sense.
  11. Phife

    6 months between releases

    I don't know about you guys but I am pretty satisfied with the current state of things. My community wasn't at first because we had a lot of missing functionality compared to when we used IPB or vB however they've adapted and we've used all these fantastic add-ons available to narrow the gap as...
  12. Phife

    6 months between releases

    A man can simply dream :love: But just think about it, that would be the future of development. I wasn't really talking about my experience with XenForo, in the past with IPB, it used to be a nightmare to upgrade. A large majority of things would just break (especially themes). There's no...
  13. Phife

    6 months between releases

    I hate updates. They break everything. Themes. Addons. Custom code. EVERYTHING. You end up shutting your site for several hours just to get things back on track to open shop again and be welcomed with a bag of bugs. I really do hope that if they ever do such a huge update that they somehow make...
  14. Phife

    How do you like your e-mails?

    Hey guys, With my community growing remarkably large on a daily basis, we are struggling to send mass e-mails without errors! We're simply sending too many e-mails per hour (Over 3000 e-mails per hour on some days!) - our community members love being notified whenever someone replies to their...
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