Recent content by Gregory Lynn

  1. Gregory Lynn

    Baffling speed issues Xenforo 2.1.1 on a shared Godaddy server Max_User_Connections errors

    I would look at KnowHost they told me that their $20 plan has a 100 max DB connections.
  2. Gregory Lynn

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Thanks for the link I was able to login.
  3. Gregory Lynn

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I don't have the link anymore I deleted it on accident when I was bulk cleaning my email.
  4. Gregory Lynn

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I bought this adon about 3.5years ago. Can I redownload it again or do I have to buy it all over again?
  5. Gregory Lynn

    What I wish I knew before running a forum

    I have 5 websites and 3 forums and 2 blogs and shared reseller hosting is $20 a month and a VPS is $20 a month and you get a lot more resources with a VPS.
  6. Gregory Lynn

    What I wish I knew before running a forum

    I wish I knew that shared hosting was so restrictive and you really need a VPS to run your forums. And I know that you can get away with shared hosting but if you ask me ist not worth it you're better off with a VPS!
  7. Gregory Lynn

    What are you guys doing for traffic besides Twitter and Facebook?

    I have been making tweets and Facebook posts and nothing has been happening? What are you guys doing for traffic?
  8. Gregory Lynn

    Our wonderful feline forum! (Today's Cat Lover)

    I am still looking for new members and I am willing to do post exchanges with other forum owners.
  9. Gregory Lynn

    XF 2.1 My emojis disappeared!

    I disable everything and removed the theme house script and nothing. I also checked for outdated templated for smiles and everything is fine. I really wish I could get this fixed. P.S. I checked under smiles and it only shows uncategorized smiles and nothing else.
  10. Gregory Lynn

    XF 2.1 My emojis disappeared!

    I have been super busy but I will disable all add-ons and skin and remove the theme house script and I'll reply to this message tomorrow.
  11. Gregory Lynn

    XF 2.1 My emojis disappeared!

    I am also running I'm running v2.1.10 patch 2 and media gallery 2.1.8
  12. Gregory Lynn

    XF 2.1 My emojis disappeared!

    All but one set of emojis disappeared do you know how to fix it?
  13. Gregory Lynn

    Our wonderful feline forum! (Today's Cat Lover)

    We are looking for members, if you love cats please sign up my wife and I would love to have you on the forum.
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