Baffling speed issues Xenforo 2.1.1 on a shared Godaddy server Max_User_Connections errors


Many of my users complain of very slow access speeds for my forum. I've upgraded it a couple times (Godaddy shared server) but doesn't seem to make a difference. I can see the speed issues myself using Mac/Chrome. If I use Mac/Firefox it seems very fast. For many of my users, things will be fine for a few clicks, then everything stalls for 60 seconds.

My site isn't particularly busy and isn't really image intensive.

I've contacted Godaddy on several occasions and they won't increase anything related to max users. They say that's not the issue.

Here's a screengrab of my recent error log:

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 9.09.26 AM.webp

Most of these errors seem to reference one thread. For example:

array(4) {
["url"] => string(52) "/index.php?attachments/img_20200222_100735-jpg.1236/"
["referrer"] => string(81) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["attachments/img_20200222_100735-jpg_1236/"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {

Is it possible that there's something in this thread causing my issues? If that's the case, what do I do?

Thanks for any guidance and I apologize for my basic questions... I'm not an IT person :)
max_user_connnections relates to your database configuration. XF is trying to make more connections than your database configuration allows. You need to locate this setting in your database config and raise it, then restart your database to ensure it utilises the new value. A value of 50 should suffice.
max_user_connnections relates to your database configuration. XF is trying to make more connections than your database configuration allows. You need to locate this setting in your database config and raise it, then restart your database to ensure it utilises the new value. A value of 50 should suffice.

Thank you! I reached out to Godaddy and they wont do this due to the fact that I'm a shared server.
Thank you! I reached out to Godaddy and they wont do this due to the fact that I'm a shared server.
And this is why I am happy that my site is on my friends VPS that sold me one of his licenses. He told me that he had no problems keeping my site on his VPS currently as it's underserved... but if I wanted to go to another host I should avoid any shared hosting provider as most of them are junk.
He offered to set up a VPS for me and promised that it would run better than any shared hosting for a little more, but being disabled, I took him up on his offer of keeping the site on his server.
If I had the financial ability I would get my own VPS and use CentMin like what he does... but I had to get out of the job field at a young age because of my disability and I don't draw that much income.
I’m on shared hosting too and have a similar problem but I have no server errors. Mine issue is definitely based upon number of visitors. At the moment I have the forums not active and it’s running super fast. Soon as I switch it on and people start using it, it will slow down to the point of being totally useless.

I’m using half of 15Gb disc space. Memory is 2Gb.

Any ideas what else I could or should be looking for? I’m at a total loss. ☹️


  • IMG_0714.webp
    40.6 KB · Views: 17
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One thing worth trying is to enable guest page caching. Not a permanent solution but could help.

Also, block bots not useful for your website. Things are horrible with bots Today and they alone can kill a fairly powerful server.
Thank you! I reached out to Godaddy and they wont do this due to the fact that I'm a shared server.
If you don't have root access to a VPS server it's not worth the money they're asking. For $20 you can find a better VPS in a lot of places, you need full control of your destiny.
I’m on shared hosting too and have a similar problem but I have no server errors. Mine issue is definitely based upon number of visitors. At the moment I have the forums not active and it’s running super fast. Soon as I switch it on and people start using it, it will slow down to the point of being totally useless.

I’m using half of 15Gb disc space. Memory is 2Gb.

Any ideas what else I could or should be looking for? I’m at a total loss. ☹️
2gb of memory is very low, you won't get away with much like redis and your mysql database will be struggling to compete for memory.

$15 would future proof your forum growth, providing you learn how to compile and handle a command line.
The IONOS VPS plans are quite favorable compared to those. Based on my encounter with one of them, they come real close to a low-to-mid-level dedicated in some respects.

Just to add: I don’t use Go Daddy. I use 34SP, a hosting company in Manchester (UK) which is around 18 miles from me. Also, because my website revolves around my town’s sports team, 90% of my visitors are also around 18 miles from the server.

Here’s what I did. I archived lots of stuff, I pruned long threads and I rebuilt all the indexes, caches, etc. Much better. It’s now running at a decent speed and isn’t getting swamped.
I personally use and paid around 70 a year for shared hosting with a coupon. I get more personal service and freedoms to do what I want with this hosting then the restricted godaddy hosting.
Try Hawkhost. Godaddy is garbage for hosting. I have an affiliate code if you're interested, been running Xenforo on Hawkhost shared hosting since 2010 with no problems.
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