Recent content by caino79

  1. caino79

    XF 2.2 Where I can set domain in thumb images url

    In my stage server the thumb url use the same method you mentions, but in the prod server is overwrited by another url. I'm asking to the IT if there are some configuration in the nginix or php. I'll write here the solution for other users when I'll find it. Thanks for reply.
  2. caino79

    XF 2.2 Where I can set domain in thumb images url

    Hello, I can not find where is the option to set the thumb base url of the attachments. Thanks.
  3. caino79

    Fixed New Twitch standard url for embed

    Hello, Twitch add a new parameter for embed their url. Somethings like Is there an official patch to fix this or I need to manual modify my xenforo sites? Thanks.
  4. caino79

    XF 2.1 LightGallery - fullscreen images are unavailable

    You're right @Chris D, one modification appended a js that deleted the data-src from the images. Thanks for your help!
  5. caino79

    XF 2.1 LightGallery - fullscreen images are unavailable

    Hello, often I have in my forum an error lightGallery :- data-src is not pvovided on slide item 1. Please make sure the selector property is properly configured. More info - There is not a clear casuistry: the same picture...
  6. caino79

    XF 2.1 Hide "New patch" button from the dashboard

    Thanks for your help. I found this check and disabled for all others admin. You can close this post. Cheers.
  7. caino79

    XF 2.1 Hide "New patch" button from the dashboard

    Hello, I need to hide the auto update button, from the dashboard, to my other forum admin. There is an option, or at least a css rule, to do this? Thanks.
  8. caino79

    XF 2.1 New users cannot see anything

    Thanks SyTry! The rebuilds didn't solve my problem. Disable and re-enable one addon SOLVE my problem. Thanks a lot! It's very strange because I have many specular forums with the same configuration and no other one had this issue. Thanks again.
  9. caino79

    XF 2.1 New users cannot see anything

    Hello, thanks for reply. The registered permissions are the custom rules. But after you told me I tried to change it, and save, without a result. I tried to change the rules of guests, removed the "view" and "view node" permissions and the unregistered users can't see the homepage BUT without...
  10. caino79

    XF 2.1 New users cannot see anything

    I'm not the only admin that access to the backend, then I cannot know if anyone accidentally changed something. I have a forum that will start soon. My problem is that only UNREGISTERED users can see the forum. If someone logged in, receive a permission error on all pages and nodes (see attached...
  11. caino79

    XF 2.0 Regenerate hash for XF addon

    Ok thanks. And how can I regen the hash file inside addon/XF ?
  12. caino79

    XF 2.0 Regenerate hash for XF addon

    Hello, I need to regenerate the hash file for XF addon but I have this problem: C:\xampp\htdocs\xenforo>php cmd.php xf-addon:rebuild XF No add-on with ID 'XF' could be found. Where am I wrong?
  13. caino79

    XF 2.0 Rebuild templates hourly

    Up. Can anyone tell me how can I create a cron entry for rebuild all templates hourly? Thanks.
  14. caino79

    XF 2.0 Rebuild templates hourly

    Thanks for your reply. I have the header of my site that changes every hour. I want to subs this header from my site to my xenforo, and I did this via python and a query to the template modification. After this, I need to rebuild my modifications. I did this for many years on xenforo 1, but I'm...
  15. caino79

    XF 2.0 Rebuild templates hourly

    Hello, I have an external python function that write hourly directly on xf_template_modification table. How can I created an entry on Xenforo Cron and rebuild the templates hourly too? Is not important the contemporaneity of the events. Thanks.
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