XF 2.3 ?

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Jamal, my friend, your forum has a monthly visit number of 12K. That's equal to the number of hourly visitors to our forum, in the morning :)

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-03-10 093823.webp

I advise you to focus on growing your community instead of checking XF 2.3 status every day :)
And the communication from the staff...

Gossip Zip It GIF by TRT

And 2.2.13 which hasn't even been released yet, although major bugs have been detected for more than 3 months! But if you do a bump on this subject they have the nerve to answer us: thank you for not reviving these subjects, the developers are doing what is necessary... Not only are the bugs still not resolved but in addition you get yelled at when you ask for news!

Kier had said that the staff had heard our wish for better communication... Well, it's succeeded, that's where total silence or shut up!
XenForo, a modern society in the image of the modern world: buy and shut up.
Curious as to why it was only a few weeks away in September last year. 6 odd months have passed and it feels like it's not any closer. Did the team have unexpected issues or workload or something that impacted the rough timeline?

I like xenforo. But just like a few others will halt renewals until communication increases. Didn't someone get hired to be part of brand or communications team a while ago?

Hoping the team brings nice features to xf, and remain optimistic as long as Kier and Chris stay on the team. But yeah communication is not a strong suit of the team. Cue brogans worthless meme in response.
And the communication from the staff...

Gossip Zip It GIF by TRT

And 2.2.13 which hasn't even been released yet, although major bugs have been detected for more than 3 months! But if you do a bump on this subject they have the nerve to answer us: thank you for not reviving these subjects, the developers are doing what is necessary... Not only are the bugs still not resolved but in addition you get yelled at when you ask for news!

Kier had said that the staff had heard our wish for better communication... Well, it's succeeded, that's where total silence or shut up!
XenForo, a modern society in the image of the modern world: buy and shut up.
The reason why you get yelled at is because you aren't taking it to the support tickets where the guys can help you with your issues.
There have been times where i have needed some help with something and i have gotten it from both @Brogan and @Chris D
I've been talking about known and recognized bugs for months, I doubt that opening a ticket on these topics will do anything! I understand that it is useless to ask for news every day on a bug, but on something important like emojis and copied / pasted images it does not seem incongruous to me to ask for news 3 months later...
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I've been talking about known and recognized bugs for months, I doubt that opening a ticket on these topics will do anything! I understand that it is useless to ask for news every day on a bug, but on something important like emojis and copied / pasted images it does not seem incongruous to me to ask for news 3 months later...
It might have something to do with the file you downloaded.
opening a ticket alerts the developers on what's wrong with your forum.
It might have something to do with the file you downloaded.
opening a ticket alerts the developers on what's wrong with your forum.
Has nothing to do with the "file you downloaded" but the fact that there are bugs that have been present for awhile that have not been addressed, not to even GET into the long time between x.Y.z releases.
For some stuff they simply need to get a point release out... if not the x.Y.z release that fixes those bugs and brings enhancements.
I'm really hoping 2.3 is going to knock our socks off. It's worth the wait if it's ahead of it's time like 1.3 and 2.0 were when they dropped. 2.3 as a major overhaul (not code/structure/etc warranting a 3.0 name) but in terms of how it can adapt to modern tech other platforms are running on these days or somehow taking forums back to relevancy in a social app competitive market.

meanwhile, 2.2 continues to run my site successfully.
Word of advice @briansol, I seriously doubt it will. There are suggestions that have been out for a decade that are highly voted on that are still ignored... so prepare to be disappointed.
i think 2.3 will be a game changer.
I think you are going to find some code changes, a new theme, and maybe some worked in addons. But nothing ground breaking, that other forum software doesn't already have incorporated. I think 2.3 will just be XF catching back up.
I've been running websites and forums since 1997. I've seen it all and been through 1000s of software, addons, scripts from Matt's Script archive, mm_ImageSwaps and all the rest along the way fighting ie5 vs mozilla.

Most of the 100+ voted features that have been around for a decade are
  • bloat that most customers don't need from a forum software (eg, blogs, groups, store, cms, etc that isn't really a core forum product)
  • technically limited / not wide spread adoption (eg, webp support and similar odd-support for modern images/vid/etc)
  • obsolete (amp, etc)

The only items on the first page that I agree with and would use (sorting by most votes) are the integration items. SSO, and so forth.

Still, none of that is what I want in 2.3.

I want jquery removed. I want a react or nextJS interface. I want a modern, portable, mobile-first app that's light-weight and competes with WP in search engines due to code-to-content ratios.

I want the ability to have users install or configure an app or something to allow direct camera share like facebook, snapchat, google, etc do all from my phone's camera context menu. We are losing because people share elsewhere first because it's easier.

phone - click pic - share icon - post it
everywhere else

for us,

phone - click pic -close camera app - open browser - type in url - nav to a forum - click new thread - click attach - browse and try to find the pic you just took ....

the answer is so blatantly obvious why we are losing.

We are in a media-first, mobile first world, and XF is not there yet.

I don't know how we do it. I don't know how we get into the phone's native share without an app for every site.

But then i think about xf cloud, and perhaps that's the first step into become a managed service where there's an XF hosted solution, 1 app, and you can still do whatever you want with your theme, addons, etc

i don't know. i'm not building 2.3 :) But this is what I need.

If i don't get this soon, my site will be closed soon. Traffic has dropped from 20k a day to 20k a month over the years, and yet, all my 'old friends' are posting their stuff on facebook constantly while my site gets ignored. All because it's easier to do it and people are lazy.

Once you take the human use case into perspective, it's easy to see why xf and forums in general are not relevant competitors.
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all my 'old friends' are posting their stuff on facebook constantly while my site gets ignored. All because it's easier to do it and people are lazy.
No, they publish on Facebook because there are 1 billion users on the same platform and they think the content will be seen by millions of people... That's what social networks are, believing yourself to be important and seen by all.

It's not difficult to post on a forum, in 3 clicks it's done... And I don't want to see on the forums the bunch of nothingness posted on Insta or FB: the dish of the day, the latest sneakers Gucci, and all that these brainiacs post all day long, and oh thank god, disappears as time goes by... If you want to turn your forum into a free social network of your own but you'd better create a FB group.

A forum is a forum and it is because they have always known how to keep their true backbone that since 1980 they still exist, technologies that old on the net are not so numerous... Addons that try to transform forums into a social network with "shorts" or "lives" exist but have had no success.
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