XF 2.3 ?

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i'm pretty sure their uncle, mom, and high school friends don't care about their car. (i run automotive forums). The would have a better audience on the forum to actually talk about it. It's not a popularity contest. Perhaps some whores/look at me types need the global audience to click on their legging-clad ass.

I agree with you that there's a place for the bloat on fb, and that's not what i'm suggesting.

But it's still easier to post a car pic on the track, or an epic sunset with a car from your phone to basically everywhere else but xf forums.
Carnac the Magnificent: Who is setting themselves up for a big disappointment?
Are you actually old enough to have watched his hilarious antics on TV?
I remember my mom letting me stay up "late" on a school night to watch this with my older brother because he was hilarious and a fantastic entertainer.
Has nothing to do with the "file you downloaded" but the fact that there are bugs that have been present for awhile that have not been addressed, not to even GET into the long time between x.Y.z releases.
For some stuff they simply need to get a point release out... if not the x.Y.z release that fixes those bugs and brings enhancements.
It does as it could be dodgy.
Are you actually old enough to have watched his hilarious antics on TV?
I remember my mom letting me stay up "late" on a school night to watch this with my older brother because he was hilarious and a fantastic entertainer.
I loved watching Carson and the Carnac skits. Unfortunately nobody around me gets the reference about something being hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls' porch since noon today.

I still make the reference anyway and my wife has no idea what I'm talking about. 🤣

(In regards to how old I am, heck, I'm old enough to remember the TV networks 'sign-off' and go off the air for a few hours every night. 📺)
I remember my mom letting me stay up "late" on a school night to watch this with my older brother because he was hilarious and a fantastic entertainer.
I have never been much of a night person (usually only stayed up late on weekends even in university) but when I was babysitting my brother's friends, I was sometimes up late enough to catch The Tonight Show with Carson (we're talking mid-eighties here). Wonderful show and host.
I want the ability to have users install or configure an app or something to allow direct camera share like facebook, snapchat, google, etc do all from my phone's camera context menu. We are losing because people share elsewhere first because it's easier.
Yup - I've had countless people complain about this and use it as the main reason why they don't upload to the gallery.

I also run car sites and at each event people just upload everything to facebook, its quick and simple.

Direct uploads are possible using the PWA Share Target API (https://developer.chrome.com/en/articles/web-share-target/) and I believe has been mentioned on the forum before, so yes, I'm also hoping this gets added in :)
yep, suggested this 2 years ago. hardly any votes. people want useless bloatware and addons, not core functionality to save their sites :)

Can’t tell wether trolling or not.

troll GIF
I want the ability to have users install or configure an app or something to allow direct camera share like facebook, snapchat, google, etc do all from my phone's camera context menu. We are losing because people share elsewhere first because it's easier.
I agree. People don't post from desktops anymore they post from smart phones or they would if the software catered better for their needs.
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