XF 2.3 ?

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Sorry but you don't speak for me. I have literally never used any forum on my smartphone, and I'm sat here typing on this very forum with my desktop.
You have to admit, that’s not the genera consensus these days with the masses. And yes I do use forum on desktop, but I can admit most are on mobile these days 80% of the time. Gotta stay real man.
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I didn't say it was the consensus, I simply said it wasn't speaking for me.

Especially in the genres I'm typically in, writing the long form posts I write would be awful on mobile. They're bad enough on an 11" tablet without a proper keyboard. (It's entirely possible for me to write 1500-2000 word posts.)

How about we consider that not all forums have the same dynamic, demographic or use case?
I didn't say it was the consensus, I simply said it wasn't speaking for me.

Especially in the genres I'm typically in, writing the long form posts I write would be awful on mobile. They're bad enough on an 11" tablet without a proper keyboard. (It's entirely possible for me to write 1500-2000 word posts.)

How about we consider that not all forums have the same dynamic, demographic or use case?
We do consider that, but back to the original point - is that majority/the masses use mobile.
Stop telling me I'm in the minority, I know that. I'm just saying that you don't speak for me - is that really so hard to understand?
Okay, so what @zappaDPJ said still stands firmly in the future outlook of forum focus points. Since that was what we were originally discussing lol. We understand there are exceptions to everything, but I guess the reasoning as to why you interjected that you’re part of the minority went over my head. Sorry about that
Because the assertion that was being made - which you're echoing - is that 'no-one uses desktop'. Your community might be majority mobile use, but it's not unilaterally true.

Especially if you go to the forums where the typical posts aren't a few lines long - because those still exist and not everyone wants to have two line conversations.

Or if you have forums that support older people who tend to use devices with bigger screens that are easier for them to use... suggesting these people use mobile is actually kinda reductive and borderline-ableist.
No one made an assumption that “no one uses desktop”. It’s just that majority of the masses these days are on mobile. Being a flight sim community that I run, we are primary desktop.

But I will still be real and admit that majority view and read forums these days on mobile just like everything else. That’s all people were trying to say.
Because the assertion that was being made - which you're echoing - is that 'no-one uses desktop'. Your community might be majority mobile use, but it's not unilaterally true.

Especially if you go to the forums where the typical posts aren't a few lines long - because those still exist and not everyone wants to have two line conversations.

Or if you have forums that support older people who tend to use devices with bigger screens that are easier for them to use... suggesting these people use mobile is actually kinda reductive and borderline-ableist.
Right, the majority of my users are older and use a desktop - and for most of them it's not because of failing eyesight, but simply because they're used to using desktop and it's a better experience. The only people who think that using a phone is a superior alternative for browsing and making lengthy posts are the people who grew up using mobile almost exclusively. That might be most people today, but it's still an objectively poorer experience. But then, these people also watch a great deal of their movie and TV content on a phone, too. So... yeah, can't dispute the reality, but doesn't mean we all have to like it. :D
No one made an assumption that “no one uses desktop”

I give you the post that sparked my commentary:
I agree. People don't post from desktops anymore they post from smart phones or they would if the software catered better for their needs.
It seems pretty clear the message here is 'no-one uses desktop' with the caveat that 'the only reason they use desktop is because they can't use mobile' - which given how much I do from an iPad makes that observation somewhat laughable, but that's a different story entirely.

All I originally said was that this comment didn't speak for me and that I have never used my smartphone on a forum. Y'all are the ones who feel the need to tell me what I already know - and it's that use of smart phones rots the brain to have longer conversations! (I am joking. Just... if you read up a few messages, it should be pretty clear what I'm saying.)
The only people who think that using a phone is a superior alternative for browsing and making lengthy post are the people who grew up using mobile almost exclusively.
Not even that, I don't know anyone, not even the people a decade or more younger than me who are mobile first, and would admit to liking it for writing long posts - because they don't make long posts.
Good lord, you guys are way too over the top about this. Maybe I’m mistaken, but common sense tells me that when @zappaDPJ made that post, he is meaning that the majority are leaning more towards a mobile point of view these days instead of desktop. Of course everyone under the Sun understands that people including MYSELF AND MY COMMUNITY primary desktop usage still. But out of convienence, MAJORITY still read and interact through mobile as well.

The fact of the matter, is that data shows majority of users these days are mobile. That is the reality. Yes niche sites exist, and I love the good old days of viewing through desktop - still do. But I can’t change the data and new habits of people/hardware.

Why this needs to be such a stupid debate, is beyond me at this point. Enjoy your Saturdays fellas… they are limited
Okay, so what @zappaDPJ said still stands firmly in the future outlook of forum focus points. Since that was what we were originally discussing lol. We understand there are exceptions to everything, but I guess the reasoning as to why you interjected that you’re part of the minority went over my head. Sorry about that
Even apologized about being confused as to what the point of you interjecting was. Big deal. Relax dude
I didn't mean to start a war so I'll rephrase; the majority of people don't post from desktops anymore, they post from smart phones or they would if the software catered better for their needs.

My point being many forum platforms still do not offer the right tools for today's audience.

I'm a desktop user at home and I prefer it, but I also access my forum an awful lot from my iPhone when away from my desk, so mobile functionality is indeed really important nowadays. It works well enough for me, though.

To everyone

I just wish XF would release another update and better communication. We're now well into March and still nothing since the last update from a developer late last year, which isn't a good sign. The fact that many reported and confirmed bugs aren't getting quashed is especially telling.
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