XF 2.3 ?

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This again..
Yes 2.2 works well. Does that mean it is perfect and can never be improved upon?

Exactly, thanks for this. But a few observations

For example changes in the core for speed improvements.
Yes, goes without saying

what's new page for a modern alternative to the legacy forum list,

I wouldn't mind some changes to what's new, although I think very view of my users uses it, they go straight to new posts. But that could be improved a bit however bot a big for me.

Live Filtering,

Please explain what that is, sounds interesting.

feed system,

I don't quite understand what this is, and how it is different from New Posts etc. I did try a Feeds addon a while back but it didn't work well for us.

optional thread voting etc.
This is interesting, but I note that there was a suggestion that got no interest:

Also my own related suggestion, not planned:

Ignore filter system.
Not sure what that means
WebP support..

NB: I'm now seriously getting impatient for 2.3 but not for the reasons many people are.
I hope that any changes to "What's New" are relatively minor or optional
I don't want my forum looking like Facebook or Reddit
My forum is fairly fast moving so What'ss New items rotate pretty quickly, they are there one minute and gone the next
I hope that any changes to "What's New" are relatively minor or optional
I don't want my forum looking like Facebook or Reddit
My forum is fairly fast moving so What'ss New items rotate pretty quickly, they are there one minute and gone the next
The best thing will be to allow people to stay with the current design and then continue to evolve the product.
The best thing will be to allow people to stay with the current design and then continue to evolve the product.
Or keep the current what's new feeds as default but give people the option of having something else if they want.

A change I would probably welcome is a style property to remove some of extra (for me unnecessary stuff) like number of replies and views
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Or keep the current what's new feeds as default but give people the option of having something else if they want.

A change I would probably welcome is a style party to remove some of extra (for me unnecessary stuff) like number of replies and views
Yes I agree I think we said the same thing differently. Windows is a good example of how they left the legacy stuff in for a while for those who didn’t want to change.
If XF added continous scrolling of the latests posts, it would no longer be a forum, just a copy of Facebook
(Maybe add it as an option for those who want to try it)
Maybe add it as an option for those who want to try it
I think it's safe to say the overwhelming majority of people using social media prefer it because it gives a far better experience on a smart phone. There are now quite a number of forum platforms built around it and some of the more traditional forums are switching to it.
because it gives a far better experience on a smart phone.
Only if you have a good internet connection to load the data in like that, especially if on Discourse. If your connection is spotty, it is an unimaginably awful experience.
Continuous scrolling is actually something I might like. As said, would be nice on mobile devices (with @Arantor's proviso about connection quality). If you could give users control to turn it on or off as a preference, that would be ideal but not sure if you could do that easily. That way, they could switch it off if there were connection issues.
What i'd love to see in this latest version of xf is that the older versions of the software to stop working and cause all those stubborn people to upgrade to the new software.
A bit like what vBulletin make people do to upgrade to current versions.
Make it run at today's current php level.
Continuous scrolling is actually something I might like. As said, would be nice on mobile devices (with @Arantor's proviso about connection quality). If you could give users control to turn it on or off as a preference, that would be ideal but not sure if you could do that easily. That way, they could switch it off if there were connection issues.
I'd like to see that as an option. Personally, I like my sites to display pages with finite lengths. Making it continuous can be quite annoying to me, but if some people prefer it, fine.
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