XenForo needs a Lawrence Cole

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A response of 'development is still ongoing' or words to that effect (which as far as I know is the furthest anyone has said on the matter) simply doesn't answer the concerns that people have over a) Kier doing a Lord Lucan and b) why no-one at XF is answering a simple question about where he is.

I would have thought, at the very least, if he was simply away concentrating on coding, that would have been posted within 5 minutes of the first thread asking where he was. The fact it wasn't is what is concerning people. This whole situation is so easy for XF to answer and then all these threads simply die as the answer is out there (to quote Mulder).

I'm not a conspricary theorist at all, I'm simply a customer and XenForo enthusiast who was used to reading Kier's posts and is concerned over where he's gone and more over, why XF are staying silent on the matter. Their silence is making things 10 times worse the longer it goes on, the longer it looks like something serious. If its not serious, why stay quiet?

If its personal, fine - say its personal and none will ask for further info. But I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that they're concerned about Kier's absence and even more concerned about the silence from XF Ltd. Everyone will recognise that his personal life is none of our business, but his commercial life is our business, in many case, literally.

Indeed, however as people have said over and over again its a business not some personal website and therefore all anyone should be concerned about is the welfare of the product & company. Therefore the comment "Development is still ongoing" is actually quite adiquate IMO. Yes I too would have thought it would be in announcement form, however only due to the fact that people are constantly rattling on about it more than the fact that it should have been done in the first place.

What are we bothered about here? Are we bothered about the software we use and have purchased? If so why is "Development is still ongoing" not adiquate? Why when we have been told quite specifically that there will be a release in Q2 of this year is it an issue given we are still in Q2? If it gets past that point and not a word has been said on the matter then yes, I too will be a little concerned. However every single thing that has been said about the development of xenforo has happened, its happened in style, and on time. So I still honestly dont see what all the fuss is about.

Yeah I occasionally click on K&Ms profiles to see if they have been about today and what they have said if anything. But purely from the point of view of curiosity.

Personally I hope everything is OK with both of them, and there families, and indeed THEIR livelyhood. Business or not most of the people on here have interacted with K&M on here in some capacity outside of xenforo conversation and indeed before that. It would take people a little time to move if things go tits up yeah, but seriously some of you wanna bring out the human side of you and actually think to yourselfs "I hope the guys are ok" rather than whining and moaning. They have done their best and created a fantastic bit of software, they have started a business in the face of massive compitition, they have continued regardless of a large lawsuit against both the company and themselves personally. They have seen people they will have seen as friends as well as collegues turn against them. Can you even begin to imagine the amount of stress all three of the owners of this company have been going through for well over 12 months now?? Personally I would have completely and utterly crashed by now! Yeah you are all concerned about the software you purchased, but in the same respect where is the human aspect of the lot of you?
Also to add to that, personally I hope I completely lose the money I put in if it means it removes the massive amounts of stress I can see people under who have built software for me over the past 5 years!
I think it's just the abrupt change in culture. Where we were seeing numerous interactions with the community on a daily basis, now we see none. That kind of change (without explanation) elicits worry.

So worry when something doesnt get released, worry when some announcement gets done to say something is an issue. Dont worry when they dissapear. Personally I WANT them to dissapear. I would rather them be coding LOL
I've just come on to read this, and like many I have not been active on these forums of late due to numerous reasons. I don't see what the big deal is though, if your license has run out (like mine) then don't renew it until the new update comes out or wait until then and if you don't see the point in the updates then don't update your license.

I haven't updated my license and won't be updating until the day an update comes out, to get more from my years worth of updates. Surely that makes sense?

As for Kier not being around, maybe he doesn't want to tell anyone why he's not around? Just because we've paid xenForo for some script, it doesn't mean we need to know all the ins and outs of his life does it? If he's ill, let him get better. If he's away on holiday, let him relax. If he's just not doing anything, let him not do anything. The more he hears about us worrying, the more he's going to be fretting or not giving a toss. Leave the guy alone, I'm sure that's what he wants!

On a better note... who is enjoying using xenForo on there sites at the moment and has an active user base?
i don't think we need an lawrence... his last public post was 1 month ago.."...

i agree, some infos about what's going on here would be great, to stop the speculations and to not lose too many customers, because it seems that really many leave / want to leave xenforo...

ATM I don't care about kier not coming online, because it's the product i'm interessted in, and not he and his life. (yes it is strange that he wasn't online for a while, but i had to accept it... it's something we can't change..)

As long as somebody communicates with the customers everything is fine...

BUT nothing happened here in the last time... (except the resource manager rollout & changes..)

it would be nice to know what's going on with the main product and the reason i'm here => xf 1.2
the dev upgrade was posted exactly 3 months ago and i hoped since then for some more news relating
XenForo 1.2 development is also under way. XenForo 1.2 will continue to add heavily requested features, improve the system for add-on developers, and workaround more complex bugs.

We will announce more about XenForo 1.2's new features and changes over time. While we have mentioned that 1.2 will include a mobile style, here's another teaser of a new feature:
because the add-on devs NEEDS to know what's happening
it was ok to not post more infos in januar, but now it's 3 months later and we have NO new infos, only that we will get a beta in second quarter (which have began some days ago)
e.g many users complained about the new rss feed.... any info like "yes, the post content will also be included into the rss feed in 1.2) would be VERY helpful, so people could know if it's worth waiting or spending money for an add-on and devs if they should work on this.......

I hoped at least for a "have you seen video"(because the last one is from october 2011) showing some improvements OR at least mockups for the mobile style, so the community can make better suggestions/change requests while the planing phase instead of once it's coded and more complicate to change...)

I didn't post in all of these threads, because nobody understands what i mean because of my bad english and then i have to be a drama queen again but it had to be posted:p
I don't know why people are so harshly attacking others. This is the internet. A week in real life is a like a month in online time. A few months without an update seems like an eon.

Hell, my board is running fine, but the product is also very raw and hasn't even begun to mature yet. Kill me for wanting to know whats coming. What scares me is that these topics have sparked on admin forums across the web and there hasn't been one post by a staff member to alleviate any suspicion, which just grows the underlying problem: There is no communication.

I don't care if staff is answering tickets. There obligated to under there their ToS. There not obligated to tell us anything, but if they want to loose potential customers and current customers because there board is harvesting topics like this without any moderation or intervening, so be it. If I was buying xF for the first time and saw a topic like this with 10 pages without one staff post. I'd be reluctant to purchase.

Maybe for some of you xF is just a hobby board and you can take months without news, but for some of us its a source of income and it takes us months to plan upgrades and what not, so knowing information is key.
Some people want answers to their questions.

Some people don't have the same questions.

Why do people that don't have the same questions always feel the need to troll those that do?

If you have no skin in the game (meaning you are on the side of not having any concerns/questions about this topic), WHY THE HELL ARE YOU REPLYING TO THIS THREAD?

If you keep seeing the same threads over and over, clearly the people posting them are NOT getting the answers THEY require. It really doesn't matter if YOU are, they aren't. If it upsets you to repeat yourself, stop replying with the same crap. If you hate reading these threads, stop reading. Obviously if you're in this thread and posting the same things you've posted in other threads, over and over... you aren't helping. You're wasting your time reposting the same answers that didn't help those with the questions in the first place. Stop the madness.

(and yes, I have the same questions and concerns others here do, see, I'm replying to a topic I personally have an interest in, it's called NOT trolling)
A little OT, but not much...I do think a business like XF needs someone in a "Community Manager" role. While I have no idea what K,M&A think nor whether he would even be interested, I would advocate for Paul Brogan. He has the temperament, knowledge and personality that makes him a perfect fit. I do think the XF community would benefit greatly by having him in that role.
Some people want answers to their questions.

Some people don't have the same questions.

Why do people that don't have the same questions always feel the need to troll those that do?

If you have no skin in the game (meaning you are on the side of not having any concerns/questions about this topic), WHY THE HELL ARE YOU REPLYING TO THIS THREAD?

If you keep seeing the same threads over and over, clearly the people posting them are NOT getting the answers THEY require. It really doesn't matter if YOU are, they aren't. If it upsets you to repeat yourself, stop replying with the same crap. If you hate reading these threads, stop reading. Obviously if you're in this thread and posting the same things you've posted in other threads, over and over... you aren't helping. You're wasting your time reposting the same answers that didn't help those with the questions in the first place. Stop the madness.

(and yes, I have the same questions and concerns others here do, see, I'm replying to a topic I personally have an interest in, it's called NOT trolling)

Posting the same things over and over again could be seen in the same light. Its a community that'll be why people are replying. Also (and please someone correct me if Im wrong) Im pretty sure most of the people on here are forum admin and have that uncanny ability to read posts without the caps.
Posting the same things over and over again could be seen in the same light. Its a community that'll be why people are replying. Also (and please someone correct me if Im wrong) Im pretty sure most of the people on here are forum admin and have that uncanny ability to read posts without the caps.

It's trolling and making it more difficult for people to get answers to their questions. And if I feel the need to use CAPS, I will. I mean hell, if it's apparently ok to troll threads, name call, etc... (not saying you are doing this, people in general) my small usage caps should be the least of yours (or anyone else's) concerns.
If that tweet was in the context of this thread, it speaks volumes, imo.

No, it wasn't talking about this thread. Matt posted that after reading the one on Admin Addict beforehand, that was started on the 1st April. He posted that tweet on the 1st April also, well before this thread was even started on the 9th April.
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