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WordPress 3 Bridge

Try adding this to you config.php file under library/
$config['cookie']['domain'] = '.yourdomain.com';
Yeah, Jonathan Carl should try doing this. Also, telling you are locked out without any specific information is pretty pointless. Hmm
I am in the WP admin panel... and it works fine. Everything works the way its supposed to. The only thing that redirects to XF is the user menus, which is supposed too, as all users are managed via XF registration, not WP. So if you click on Users, add new or your profile via the WP admin, it redirects you to the XF equivalent... which is correct. Everything else in WP otherwise is managed via WP.

Using the latest versions of both right now working on a new style across them both.
Okay, I have found an issue. I was testing permissions between Xenforo and wordpress. I noticed when i try to log in on the forum it will not log me in unless I check "stay logged in". Is there any fix for that?
My current problem is, I have members complaining they are unable to log in due to the cookie issue. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this, most of my members don't even have the slightest clue what a cookie is.
My current problem is, I have members complaining they are unable to log in due to the cookie issue. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this, most of my members don't even have the slightest clue what a cookie is.
You probably want to change your cookie prefix by adding this line to your config.php

$config['cookie']['prefix'] = 'something-other-than-xf_';
Also as a reminder or added note to D.O.A.'s post, if you want to display the latest posts on the sidebar or any region that supports widgets. All you have to do is copy the RSS feed URL and enter that URL in the RSS feed widget and place the widget in the location you want on the sidebar.

wp-admin -> Appearance -> Widgets -> Drag RSS to Primary Widget Area and the rest is pretty self explanatory.

been there mate, no dice :D
I have tried my level best to get this to work fully, to no avail. Here is the list of problems I have faced:
1. Off of the main blog page, article tag links are linked to WP pages, not through the blog plugin.
2. The category link at the end of the article works, but the "Continue reading" link that appears afterwards does not. ("An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.")
3. Returning the main blog page, archive link for December works, but with the same behavior as #2 after loading the archive page
4. Returning to the main blog page, Recent Posts and Recent Comments links do not work. ("An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.")
5. Comment link at the bottom of the article does not work, comments are not displayed.
I've stopped looking at this point.
Please understand, I'm not faulting the author of these plugins/mods. I have no doubt that someone much smarter than me has this working on their site and could probably get this working on mine. Or maybe there are bugs or at least configuration assumptions.
At any rate, if there is someone who flat-out has this working on their site so that all components work together and wants to help me get mine working, I'm more than happy to pay a reasonable fee for the help. I'll provide whatever access is necessary. I'm also fine with that person posting whatever had to be done to make it work so that others in a similar situation can benefit.
If you are interested in helping, please send me a conversation invite.
Thanks in advance.
<I removed the message because it's too long>


Sorry for all your troubles. The plugin's primary job is to display your WordPress pages inside XenForo nicely. It's not its job to change the URL (in fact, it's possible to change the URL automatically). Anyway, to make 100% of your links to go through XenForo, just go to your WordPress Dashboard and change the Home URL to it. Hope this helps
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