Woot! Pricing and Release info :D


Well-known member

Oh yeah baby!
Is there any possibility of changing the terminology? The terms active/inactive are confusing to some people and not really correct (although I personally understand them).

License - $___ which can be used forever, and come with 1 year of Updates & support once xf is gold.
Updates & support - $___ /year.

Support will be given as long as your license is active.

By whom? I am a bit surprised nobody asked this question. Well... : http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-support-staff.542/ ;)

I am already amazed by how you guys find the time to construct HYS videos, participate with your potential customers/community base and at the same time develop your product. And besides this... you as a 2-man developer team are also going to provide support? How does this work?
I was about to say the same... all is required for a UK BACS or CHAPS transfer (as needs to be in first 24hours -_-) is the sortcode and account number... for international payments the SWIFT code and account number or just the IBAN will do.
Another piece of possibly not useless information.

BACS payments made from and to UK Bank accounts are now done on a faster payment which means they will reach the destination account within 2 hours.

This doesn't work for Building Society accounts or Government accounts. CHAPS is required for them.

[Irish Accent]Over 800 years ago the Doctor stole is Type 40 Tardis from Gallifrey. Today he is posting pieces of useless information at xenforo.com - Now be honest, you didn't expect the Doctor to being doing that today, did you?[/Irish Accent]
Don't ya think it would be a good idea for them to get up and running, sell a few copies and test the waters before creating dozens of payment options?

This forum being up and running shows they can get up, crawl and then walk. Give it some time to get their legs about themselves before requesting that running is added to the mix.

It's crucial they get some money to make XF a solid company.
Having easy ways to pay is good business.
Bank transfers are a good way to pay esp if you bank online.
I am already amazed by how you guys find the time to construct HYS videos, participate with your potential customers/community base and at the same time develop your product. And besides this... you as a 2-man developer team are also going to provide support? How does this work?
Is it so surprising? We, the development team supported vBulletin for years before a dedicated support team was hired.
Is it so surprising? We, the development team supported vBulletin for years before a dedicated support team was hired.
You don't have to give a cover story, we know you have clones of yourselves doing it all. ;)

But it's amazing you guys are doing all this! I can't imagine how drained you must feel at the end of the day. :confused:
Is it so surprising? We, the development team supported vBulletin for years before a dedicated support team was hired.

Yes, for me it is certainly surprising. Both Mike and Scott explained (here and here) the same and I am still amazed by this fact. How it is possible that you can develop and participate in the community and providing support all at the same time overhere at XF is quite remarkable from an outsiders point of view.
I just released a project yesterday using VB... I just closed it this morning and will replace it with a beta XF. Thanks guys.

Reading the sale of IB this morning when coming online just nailed it for me because I am now shaky on the future of VB with it once again being sold within years apart.
I was hoping it would be under $200 and it'll be half that if I manage to catch the 24 window. Fantastic!

I don't get the complaints that it's 'too expensive' for those who just want to test it ... the average cost of taking someone to the movies, including snacks and drinks: $40. So it's about the price of two dates and a couple of trips to Starbucks. Just skip a few movies and make your own coffee for a few days, and there you go.
well... you have to consider something. not everyone here is living in a developed country. i am from india. the average salary is around USD 250!

And no. I am not saying that XF pricing is bad. I think it is pretty good. It would attract serious customers. And that is good for the community and this product.
well... you have to consider something. not everyone here is living in a developed country. i am from india. the average salary is around USD 250!
That's fair enough but surely by now you have been able to evaluate whether XenForo is suitable for your needs?
If you haven't yet been able to then you still have 2 weeks before the early beta release.

If after that time you decide it is something you can use then buy a license, if not don't.
well i have made my mind clear. i am switching. though there are a couple of smallish things i would have liked if they were supported by v1.

my point was that... you cannot really say that this kind of money is not much. just because it might not be that much for you (or in your country!). :)

everyone has a different point of view when it comes to actual value of money.
my point was that... you cannot really say that this kind of money is not much. just because it might not be that much for you (or in your country!). :)

everyone has a different point of view when it comes to actual value of money.
That's very true.

Unfortunately the dev's have to price it based on where they live and work to ensure they cover their costs and make a living out of it.
and their pricing structure has been largely appreciated by the folks here!

i want to suggest something if the developers are listening. can they (or we) collect a bunch of 'wanted features' and let the community vote on it in a single thread... so that i can make the final attempt to have some of the stuff i had really like to have in v1 or v1.1 highlighted! most of my suggestions are now buried deep inside the relevant forum and i do not want to bump those threads to the front page!
hah. we pay the same price in USD or Pound! Of course. :) But they are not popular with the smaller forums as they cannot really afford it. And they stick with free alternatives. I personally made the switch from IPB free edition to IPB paid edition to vB. But only after I made enough money to justify the purchase...

I know a couple of guys who run nulled versions. I have no idea if that works out well for them.
It's a valid question though posted by Paul M. Seeing as both Mike and Kier, maybe even Ashley live in the UK. Meaning the XenForo company is UK based. So why deal in dollars ($) instead of pounds (£)?

Must be because Ashley obviously enjoys dealing with the wonderful HMRC rules on dealing with foreign currency transactions ;)

On a more serious note, it's as others said - US dollars seems to be the de-facto currency of the internet. Plus it makes comparing to IPB and vBulletin just that bit easier :)

BACS payments made from and to UK Bank accounts are now done on a faster payment which means they will reach the destination account within 2 hours.

I'm not aware of any banks who guarantee this (at least they didn't a couple of months ago when I last looked at this). It's still something I'd consider hit or miss as you depend on both your and the other bank taking care of it.
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