vb5 beta released, and...

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Ya but what devs they do have we can see on vb5.. so they would probably need 1000 to get a better product, and if that would be enough.....
It needed to go the other way. They needed 3-4 talented ones.

Instead, looking at their employee rolls and countries involved, they outsourced VB to any country they could find on the map: devs are from mexico, brazil, austria, canada, us, china, korea. All over the world. They teleconference once a week probably; no one has any cohesive idea what's going on; I can imagine it already.
@Kevin: that will be, for sure, their death then
They survived the vB4 debacle and they will survive vB5 but "vBulletin" going forward won't be anything like the vBulletin of the past. People are already buying vB5 so they'll have customers in spite of the actual product that they are selling.
They survived the vB4 debacle and they will survive vB5 but "vBulletin" going forward won't be anything like the vBulletin of the past. People are already buying vB5 so they'll have customers in spite of the actual product that they are selling.
You´re probably right. There are enough I***** out there who are going to buy

As i wrote somewhere here.... It´s a bit like Scientology.....YES Master.... We buy what you gave us... you are our god and we do believe in you, doenst matter what you do
<-vb5 Customers
I miss the vB3 days, and regret even upgrading from vb3.8 branch to 4.0 junk. Ever since the IB took over, it's gone to hell in a handbasket, and it's only getting worse.
vB4 isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be... we were a fairly large early adopter (I think we had around 12M posts when we switched to it with 4.0.3).

With the exception of it's search system, we didn't have any problems with it even that far back.
Half the people crushing vbulletin 5.0 out here like nothing will be running back to it once everything is fixed /get backs to normal !
I don't think it has anything to do with Money. In my opinion the issue is directly related to managers who have no idea about development process.
Of course it's related to money. It's always related to money.
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Half the people crushing vbulletin 5.0 out here like nothing will be running back to it once everything is fixed /get backs to normal !
NEVER, that for sure, before i use vb again ( i was vb3 and vb4 user) i will use a free Version, like mybb which isnt that bad too, or anything else will come up which will be better then vb OR the best solution would be if xenforo will be developed in future too... So, think what you want but IB will never be a solution, never

I was happy with 3 and was believing that vb4 will be a good product too, thats why i bought it also in alpha stage, but if you fall down once you will not do it again, at least me
vB4 isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be... we were a fairly large early adopter (I think we had around 12M posts when we switched to it with 4.0.3).

With the exception of it's search system, we didn't have any problems with it even that far back.
vB4 on its own was semi-usable early on, but their were a lot of issues with the CMS, and early on the forum too. The biggest issue for me was that *everything* seemed to break after an upgrade. Templates, addons, styles... It just became so much of a hassle.
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It needed to go the other way. They needed 3-4 talented ones.

Instead, looking at their employee rolls and countries involved, they outsourced VB to any country they could find on the map: devs are from mexico, brazil, austria, canada, us, china, korea. All over the world. They teleconference once a week probably; no one has any cohesive idea what's going on; I can imagine it already.
Outsourcing doesn't necessarily mean they're low quality developers. Many countries actually have better developers than many I know in the United States or even Europe. The issue is that there are also so many con artists, or low quality ones (Not necessarily just outsourced as well, ton of them in the US and Europe) that it gives them a bad name.
vB4 isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be... we were a fairly large early adopter (I think we had around 12M posts when we switched to it with 4.0.3).
Wasn't 4.x forum still using 3.x architecture though? Wasn't it more only the design to CSS that changed, from memory. The CMS and Blog were heavy, but manageable.
Shawn, you weren't on the vB5 Alpha/Beta team? If not, was it a deliberate decision on your part?
Shawn, you weren't on the vB5 Alpha/Beta team? If not, was it a deliberate decision on your part?
I was not. I was asked and I declined. I removed myself from the vB4 alpha/beta a good while ago as well.

For me, I just felt it was too much stress. I was just getting frustrated that developers were ignoring us. So the easiest way for me to not feel that way was to not be involved.
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