vb5 beta released, and...

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Actually, it's possible to sell your licenses one by one. I've done it before. You just need to tell them the license number you want to transfer first, then rinse and repeat.

Just as long it's transferable, of course.
I thought the whole argument was that you technically could no longer do so unless you we're a European citizen
I thought the whole argument was that you technically could no longer do so unless you we're a European citizen
It doesn't matter where you're from. It's managed by an american corporation.

The only thing they worry about is the VAT in europe.
Interesting quote from a thread on the vb5demo forum:

Not SEO Friendly

Since you can only get to the next page via ajax, google will never see past the first page.

Nice try though. Good job vb devs, keep at it. I bet you will get the hang of this coding thingy pretty soon.

Comments, from people who are more knowledgeable? That seems just too bad to be true.

On an unrelated note:
See the 'hijack test' in the inline comments, here:

Hijack test - I just posted this comment on the first reply to get more people to read my post. Rather than replying and having my post end up last I commented and ended up having my post closer to being first. Could be a potential problem with commenting....
If you want to hijack or spam a thread, write a comment on the first post in the thread, as opposed to making a post at the end of the thread, where it could get overlooked.
vBulletin 5's beta being released to the public at this point in time is very strange. Of course all of the usual things popped into my head justifying it, but yesterday, something hit me.

As most people will agree, focus seemed to shift from the forum to things like the publishing suite and mobile support. What is strange is that even for being in beta, vBulletin 5 is very basic. If you look at the vB5 response threads, more than frustrated, people are very surprised.

I was reading up on the California case, and saw that in June, the judge had enough of IB's delay tactics, denied their motion to amend, and started moving towards a trial.

IB losing this lawsuit will of course have a domino effect. This can very simply mean that IB did not expect things to proceed this quickly, and they are moving towards a more vanilla model. This way, when the trial ends and confidence is restored in people to move towards xenForo, IB hopes to impress upon them "we have the same thing".


Of course the last paragraph is conjecture, but it makes a lot of sense. What do you guys think?
I'm sure you could technically still sell your copy of vBulletin.

Simple give the other person the log-in details. From there they can change the e-mail address and also the domain name associated with their copy. Follow up with changing the log-in details. DONE.

And after that, thy will restrict the Settings too ;) Just to fed up ppl
Interesting quote from a thread on the vb5demo forum:

Comments, from people who are more knowledgeable? That seems just too bad to be true.

On an unrelated note:
See the 'hijack test' in the inline comments, here:

If you want to hijack or spam a thread, write a comment on the first post in the thread, as opposed to making a post at the end of the thread, where it could get overlooked.
Whoever decided on that knows nothing about best practices and usability when using AJAX.
And after that, thy will restrict the Settings too ;) Just to fed up ppl
They would be very foolish to do so. People change domain names and e-mail providers all the time. If they removed that feature.... They'd tank their company overnight ...

... hhhmmmm.... On second thought... Internet Brands (who I suspect reads these forums) should completely ignore my post and do exactly that. LOL :D
Who goes to buy that is just.... hmm crazy or has to much money

... hhhmmmm.... On second thought... Internet Brands (who I suspect reads these forums) ....

Ahh Hello vb Devs. You´ve done the best job ever... Most will leave you now...hrhrhr
Well done Sirs
It's actual quite unbelievable what vBulletin has become, it's like every possible wrong decision was made at every level. The worst part isn't incorrect design decisions, but rather in the fact that they will go to their grave defending those decisions, instead of correcting them.

vBulletin 5 is like a nerdy Saturday Night Live skit...

Customer: "Have you noticed vBulletin 5 takes 100+ queries to render a page?"
vBSI: "So? How long does it take you to do 100 SQL queries in your head? SQL is good, therefore more queries are better."

Customer: "How come pages take 20 seconds to load?"
vBSI: "We intentionally slow down page rendering so you can be entertained by the page jumping around while rendering. It's a feature."

Customer: "How do you go back and find a thread you created?"
vBSI: "The best thing to do is reload the home page over and over until you see a random post that someone posted in your thread, then simply click that post!"

Customer: "What if I just want to see the threads I created?"
vBSI: "Why? You wrote the threads, you already know what they say. It's a feature to prevent you from wasting your own time."

Customer: "Why is there so much random stuff loading around?"
vBSI: "It's a super modern JSON application."

Customer: "Oh nice... so you guys used JSONP so we can run the site on a sub-domain?"
vBSI: "Sorry, I'm not familiar with JSONP. We are modern JSON developers, so if it was a real thing, we would know about it."

Customer: "How come quotes are hidden in posts?"
vBSI: "Most the time what other people say is stupid. It's a feature to protect you from needing to read other people's stupidity."

Customer: "Why is your main CSS file almost 500KB?"
vBSI: "First of all, the higher the KB of a file, the more important and modern it is. Also, we have 40 classes assigned to the HTML tag, and want to make sure we make use of each of them. Would be very inefficient to have all those classes, but not have CSS definitions for them. In addition, we also like to make our CSS selectors so specific (ex. .pending-post-overlay-container .pending-post-overlay .conversation-list .list-item .post-footer-wrapper .post-footer .post-controls) that you can't screw anything up if you change the style. It's a feature to protect you from yourself."

Customer: "What happened to paid subscriptions?"
vBSI: "We took them out. It's a feature so you don't have to pay taxes on income you receive."
It's actual quite unbelievable what vBulletin has become, it's like every possible wrong decision was made at every level. The worst part isn't incorrect design decisions, but rather in the fact that they will go to their grave defending those decisions, rather than correct them.

So when can we expect to see DP.com on Vb5 Shawn?
It is slow, but I question how much of that is due to likely debug code running live on the site (since it's beta). Beyond that, I don't think it's that bad, but it's not extremely unique, either.
Another issue I've noticed is it would appear that neither my Avatar nor theme settings are saved. But again, that's likely a known issue that will be sorted.

I really won't speak poorly of vB5 until the final release. But, as I've noted, I don't think it will win over any customers from IPB or xF or any other competing platform.
It's actual quite unbelievable what vBulletin has become, it's like every possible wrong decision was made at every level. The worst part isn't incorrect design decisions, but rather in the fact that they will go to their grave defending those decisions, rather than correct them.

vBulletin 5 is like a nerdy Saturday Night Live skit...

Customer: "Have you noticed vBulletin 5 takes 100+ queries to render a page?"
vBSI: "So? How long does it take you to do 100 SQL queries in your head? SQL is good, therefore more queries is better."

Customer: "How come pages take 20 seconds to load?"
vBSI: "We intentionally slow down page rendering so you can be entertained by the page jumping around while rendering. It's a feature."

Customer: "How do you go back and find a thread you created?"
vBSI: "The best thing to do is reload the home page over and over until you see a random post that someone posted in your thread, then simply click that post!"

Customer: "What if I just want to see the threads I created?"
vBSI: "Why? You wrote the threads, you already know what they say. It's a feature to prevent you from wasting your own time."

Customer: "Why is there so much random stuff loading around?"
vBSI: "It's a super modern JSON application."

Customer: "Oh nice... so you guys used JSONP so we can run the site on a sub-domain?"
vBSI: "Sorry, I'm not familiar with JSONP. We are modern JSON developers, so if it was a real thing, we would know about it."

Customer: "How come quotes are hidden in posts?"
vBSI: "Most the time what other people say is stupid. It's a feature to protect you from needing to read other people's stupidity."

Customer: "Why is your main CSS file almost 500KB?"
vBSI: "First of all, the higher the KB of a file, the more important and modern it is. Also, we have 40 classes assigned to the HTML tag, and want to make sure we make use of each of them. Would be very inefficient to have all those classes, but not have CSS definitions for them. In addition, we also like to make our CSS selectors so specific (ex. .pending-post-overlay-container .pending-post-overlay .conversation-list .list-item .post-footer-wrapper .post-footer .post-controls) that you can't screw anything up if you change the style. It's a feature to protect you from yourself."

Customer: "What happened to paid subscriptions?"
vBSI: "We took them out. It's a feature so you don't have to pay taxes on income you receive."
If only they really said that word for word......

( Or did they really and I'm missing out on quality entertainment through pure stupidly ? )
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