vb5 beta released, and...

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Another issue I've noticed is it would appear that neither my Avatar nor theme settings are saved. But again, that's likely a known issue that will be sorted.
Anything "can be sorted". The problem is assuming that if something "can" be sorted, then it "will" be sorted.There is a kind of faith in the structure here, that don't think is warranted any more.

If vb5 was the first release and we just didn't know what's going on, that's one thing. But we have the 3 years of joy known as vb4. It became 'fixed' in the end what it was basically supposed to be in the beginning.

I really won't speak poorly of vB5 until the final release.
You'll be waiting until 2015 to weigh in a comment then?
Anything "can be sorted". The problem some people have is that they assume that if it "can" be sorted, then it "will" be sorted. If vb5 was the first release and we just didn't know what's going on, that's one thing. But we have the 3 years of joy known as vb4. It became 'fixed' in the end what it was basically supposed to be in the beginning.

You'll be waiting until 2015 to weigh in a comment then?
If that's how long it takes for vB 5 to go gold, sure. I think it's only fair to judge the product once we see its final release.
If that's how long it takes for vB 5 to go gold, sure. I think it's only fair to judge the product once we see its final release.
Remember though, it's already for sale. I think it's only normal to judge a product if people can buy it.
I honestly don't know why we're debugging vB5 on XF.com. I took my discussion regarding it to an admin site out of pure respect for xf.com, but what can you do.

Did you said that on vb4 too?!
Pretty much, yeah. I took a look at a lot of the beta releases but didn't get familiar with the Admin CP and what not until the gold release. It struck me as very average, neither bad nor good. I'm assuming vB5 will probably be about the same.
So is dp.com moving to XF looking more likely?
I would guess at some point yes....if I remember....a re-write of 1 million lines of code was what he needed to do...I would also guess that most people couldn't write a 1 million line essay and based on that I would say he did not take on the sick task of rewriting 1 million lines of code for the fun or the "helluvit". I would conclude and say again my guess is yes at some point.
I'm just so glad with Xenforo ,
hope the Xenforo developers don't lose their touch or motivation , i'm also worried about they not been up to date with the new technology , it would seem they are busy with the real life for quite a while now , i'm just guessing . can anyone comment on that.
programing requite continuous practice i believe
I was along for the ride for vB4.x and remember the problems with initial release. To me, vB5 appears to be more problematic at this point than the initial releases of 4.x. Part of this might be because it is sooo different from previous versions (which was part of what they were shooting for, I think). But, the issues with all of the queries, the layout being confusing, the thread id's being lost/changed on upgrade, strange use of ajax, and the speed seem to be a whole other level of problems. (In my mind, I separate out the function/coding issues from the business practices...similar or worse problems remain on the business practices part- i.e., claiming that vB5 has the "most 3rd party plugins" when Wayne has stated that there are none available).

Maybe they can fix this release....but from what I have read from people smarter than me on coding, it looks like the problems are so entrenched in the structure/foundation of the code that this seems unlikely. And will take months if not years to become usable for most folks.
I'm just so glad with Xenforo ,
hope the Xenforo developers don't lose their touch or motivation , i'm also worried about they not been up to date with the new technology , it would seem they are busy with the real life for quite a while now , i'm just guessing . can anyone comment on that.
programing requite continuous practice i believe

This is a completely different Thread, but yeah, you´re not the only one who´s worrying

In bugs solved are still 135 Sites and Kier is off now for a longer time.. Hmmm
BUT.... thats another dicussion as posted above. so lets get back to vb5 here
And after that, thy will restrict the Settings too ;) Just to fed up ppl
They would be very foolish to do so. People change domain names and e-mail providers all the time. If they removed that feature.... They'd tank their company overnight ...

... hhhmmmm.... On second thought... Internet Brands (who I suspect reads these forums) should completely ignore my post and do exactly that. LOL :D
I wouldn't be surprised at all if they start charging for editing license info'. Remember, IPS has recently put some restriction in place for changing the license URL and will charge after a certain threshold has been reached so if they can get away with it I'm sure the IB bean counters will want to do the same eventually.
What I don't get is if they're changing the scope and purpose of the product completely, why didn't they completely re-write the code from scratch? It is one of the most illogical decisions I have ever heard of to turn a forum platform into a CMS, and then into a full site platform all from a code-base riddled with legacy code and legacy standards.

Especially when they have what, nearly 20-30 developers?

I wasn't being sarcastic...

Yeah I figured, it was mostly wishful thinking :).
Ya but what devs they do have we can see on vb5.. so they would probably need 1000 to get a better product, and if that would be enough.....
What I don't get is if they're changing the scope and purpose of the product completely, why didn't they completely re-write the code from scratch? It is one of the most illogical decisions I have ever heard of to turn a forum platform into a CMS, and then into a full site platform all from a code-base riddled with legacy code and legacy standards.

Especially when they have what, nearly 20-30 developers?

Yeah I figured, it was mostly wishful thinking :).
Money + time = no way.
would be awesome.. and if DP dropped helping vbulletin out all together and joined dev/helped here for xf.. xD
Well, first of all... I'm not a vBulletin developer, so I can't really say I'm "helping" them any more than anyone else that reports bugs they run into. Even that, I kind of stopped doing over a year ago simply because I felt like I was swamping the developers. If they ever get their bugs down to a normal level, I have a bunch I can add. But no point in bugging them with anything but the most critical ones at this point.

Maybe I'm wrong, but on the outside, vBSI just seems like it's a corporate environment to the extreme (like the movie Office Space). Like they want to spend 100 hours putting together charts and reports about why it's a waste of time to spend 2 hours doing something.

That being said... I'm generally not a negative person whatsoever, but I think vBulletin actually is beyond repair (both software and company) at this point. Like if I was somehow forced to be the lead developer/project manager on vBulletin starting tomorrow, my first order of business would be to sit down with every developer and ask them what they HONESTLY thought about vB5. And anyone who said anything other than it's garbage and just needs to thrown away completely would just be let go. I certainly don't envy the position anyone at vBSI are in right now. At some point the parent company is going to go, "You know what? This division is losing money... and you spent years on a product that is going to take us to the future, and *this* is what you came up with?"
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