vb5 beta released, and...

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For me, I just felt it was too much stress. I was just getting frustrated that developers were ignoring us. So the easiest way for me to not feel that way was to not be involved.
I removed myself from the vB4 team some time ago for the very same reasons. It 'appears' as though the vB5 alpha/beta process has panned out just like it did for version 4 three years ago. That was one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had and certainly soured me on ever subjecting myself to it again. It was like watching a train wreck happening before your eyes in slow motion and not being able to do anything about it. Shame, really, vB has/had such promise.
Half the people crushing vbulletin 5.0 out here like nothing will be running back to it once everything is fixed /get backs to normal !
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

I think most people here are smarter than that. You talk about fixing things and getting back to normal whatever that may be, but experienced coders here have already pointed out that the problems can't be fixed easily. And this thing is already in beta10 and for sale. Even if the bugs are fixed, there's no way I would ever pay for this. I wouldn't want it if they offered it free with installation.
Silly Softlineck, you give IB too much credit.

Internet Brands doesn't want to waste their time and money on beta testing or fixing bugs for vB4.
To make more money, the idea is to use customers as alpha testers.
And to be 100% clear ... you'll never see them use their own software (vB4, vB5-alpha) as they know it's too buggy and provides ZERO benefit over the vB3 that all their increasingly antiquated sites are on.
Welcome to reality.

Excuse me, but do not understand what you try to say but as I have said many things can be lost in translation.

1. Haha I'm dumb proudly.

2. Well that view is good, it must be so ... IB does not know how to make money, but by god so brazen than launching a beta test version supposedly (rather is alpha) is well paid and not worth paying so so "wrong all their systems" surveys do not work, is slow, 90% of this beta version is supposedly so bad that everything is useless error ...

But in reality, many users have bought that version having an active account at all, just for vB disilusionarse over.

3. vBulletin definitely should go for the software business communities is getting worse ... stable version is not even 30% of what is now XenForo without CMS or Blog ...
Hermano, creo que "disilusionarse" no exsiten como un verbo....pero entendi tu punto y acuerdo.

I'm glad you understand me;) is that you speak English and use the google translator and try to do the best translation of what I mean exactly but usually some details are lost in translation.
So... $250 for a 5.0 disconnect connect license or $210 for an "upgrade".. that is really more of an import.

Sadly, I have a feeling people will buy this. Sucks, because I might be a member of their forum.
I think a lot of admins will soon work it out for themselves as their user base dies a horrible death. Then though... not even IB upgrade to use their own product. I'm actually shocked IB aren't using XF by now on their sites... considering they obviously recognise how terrible their own subsidiaries product is in the first place.
I think a lot of admins will soon work it out for themselves as their user base dies a horrible death. Then though... not even IB upgrade to use their own product. I'm actually shocked IB aren't using XF by now on their sites... considering they obviously recognise how terrible their own subsidiaries product is in the first place.
Why would iB install XF on any one of their sites. In fact, I'm more shocked that they wouldn't upgrade any one of their sites from vB3, to vB4, or to be relevant, vB5. This more or less prevents a higher chance of more conversions to vB4/vB5 because, 50% of the time, members of a large board usually pivot into starting their own site for the subject they love.
So I just viewed the source of the showthread. Definitely buying vB 5 thanks to it's epic SEO


Also, who doesn't love empty tags and excessive whitespace?
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