The Demise of the United States is Inevitable

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Seems to me, the simplest solution to a non financial type like myself, is to wipe all existing debts in all countries, then start again from scratch.

Or is that to simple? hehe
Seems to me, the simplest solution to a non financial type like myself, is to wipe all existing debts in all countries, then start again from scratch.

Or is that to simple? hehe
lul...while the US may have a massive debt that would destroy the economy completely instead of having a struggling economy. I like how you can see all the anti-US people on here come out in this thread...really funny.
lul...while the US may have a massive debt that would destroy the economy completely instead of having a struggling economy. I like how you can see all the anti-US people on here come out in this thread...really funny.

Not sure if that last part was targetted at me? But I'm not anti US in the slighest.
Not sure if that last part was targetted at me? But I'm not anti US in the slighest.
Me neither, but it's a common fallacy, i.e. assuming one is anti-US because one talks about what is wrong with it. That's like a person recognizing the symptoms of a disease and therefore must hate the diseased person. In that case I hate Europe as much as the US. In reality of course I hate neither.
Of course, Shiff and his ilk were telling me in 1979 that the end was coming within 10 years then....

Ever hear of the boy who cried wolf? I guess, in some ways, the end did come since Shiffs dad is in jail for not paying income tax.
I am not aware of any warnings in 1979 about a major economic crisis. But assuming there were warnings as early as that, this doesn't necessarily discredit current forecasts. There have been bubbles since then and the big one has yet to pop. About the income tax you have to really understand the reasons before you ridicule those that oppose it. Unfortunately people still prefer to shoot the messenger(s), even if they have been proven right in many occasions.
Reminds me of a forecaster who was credited with forecasting 3 of the last 5 recessions. Turns out he had also actually predicted 8 out of the last five!
Mr Romney is a multi-millionaire businessman and former Massachusetts governor with three homes and lives mainly on income from his investments, for which only 15% tax is payable. Earned income is taxed at up to 35%.

Earned income taxed at 35%
Investment income taxed at 15%.

Scam. Scam. Scam.

I see how the tax laws are setup to cater to wealthy Americans.

So Romney paid 3 million in taxes and gave 3 million to charity. Not bad.
You'd have to call the Mormon Church "charity" in order to believe those numbers......personally, I leave Scientology, the Rev. Moon and other such "charities" out of my calcs.
Turns out his rate is 13.9% - well less than I (a working stiff) pays. It takes double that rate to run the country.
You'd have to call the Mormon Church "charity" in order to believe those numbers......personally, I leave Scientology, the Rev. Moon and other such "charities" out of my calcs.
Turns out his rate is 13.9% - well less than I (a working stiff) pays. It takes double that rate to run the country.
Yeah when people involved in politics donate money to a religion I see it as buying votes with a write-off.

What I still don't understand and it is completely ridiculous IMO...and to be honest does not make me want to work (the whole tax and money system is criminal the way it currently operates)

guy 1 makes 800 in a 40 hr week to furnish a home for his whole family...pays over 200 in taxes out of that...

guy 2 makes 4000 a week and pays a smaller percentage in taxes...

Yet if guy 1 needs more money and puts in more hours or is required to work OT, he gets hit with another tax... luxury tax and in some cases ends up with a smaller check that he would have gotten working only 40 is working 75 hours in a week a luxury that should be taxed more....I would think making $4000 a week@40hrs is more of a luxury than working twice as many hours and being taxed like 5 times on your money before you have even spent any of it.
Romney's "vote buying charitable giving" is nothing compared to what the Obama administration, in particular, and congress members of both parties are doing with our money. You folks really should read Throw them all Out if you want to know what the biggest scam in the history of humankind is really.
that book John mentioned said:
Q:When did you realize that so many insider trading and sweetheart land deals were going on?
A: When I first discovered that members of Congress are exempt from insider trading laws, I didn’t believe it. Then, when I started to look at their stock trades and compare them with what they were doing in office, I was stunned.

Is this actually true?
Is this actually true?
Dude, this book is full of this stuff and it will make your head's all true and backed up by mounds of evidence - all in the public record for anyone to see.

Here are some tidbits:

Rep. Shelley Capito (R-W.Va.) and her husband "dumped between $100,000 and $250,000 in Citigroup stock the day after the briefing," Schweizer writes, and "at least ten U.S. senators, including John Kerry, Sheldon Whitehouse, and **** Durbin, traded stock or mutual funds related to the financial industry the following day." Durbin, Schweizer says, "attended that September 16 briefing with Paulson and Bernanke. He sold off $73,715 in stock funds the next day. Following the next terrifying closed-door briefing, on September 18, he dumped another $42,000 in stock. By doing so, Durbin joined some colleagues in saving themselves from the sizable losses that less-connected investors would experience." Some members even made gains on their trades, at a time when ordinary Americans without insider knowledge were seeing their life savings evaporate.

Perhaps the most disturbing revelations come from Schweizer's investigation into the Obama Energy Department and its infamous "green energy" loan guarantee and grant programs, a program Schweizer calls "the greatest -- and most expensive -- example of crony capitalism in American history." The scandal surrounding Solyndra -- the now-bankrupt, Obama-connected solar power company that received a federally guaranteed loan of $573 million -- is well known. But Solyndra, Schweizer says, is only the tip of the iceberg.

The chapters on how members of congress that wrote the health care law profited from insider information is quite the read too. Seriously, this should be required reading in every American home.
Alright fair enough...just grabbed it ...lets see if dyslexia doesn't choke-slam me before my head pops.
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