[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

I just became some feedback from my users. They wantet to split a thread, but the social forum was not displayed in the target drop down.

Can this be added?
What happens if you leave the current Social Category selected?

I couldn't find it within this thread, so I apologize if I missed it, but how do you change the URL snippet for the social groups? Right now it shows as "/social-categories/[name of group]", but I'd like to change it to something custom. Any ideas on how to customize that? I've seen it done on other implementations!
You can use the Route Prefix add-on by Jake Bunce if you have XenForo 1.1 installed. In XenForo 1.2, there is a Route Changer feature.
What happens if you leave the current Social Category selected?

You can use the Route Prefix add-on by Jake Bunce if you have XenForo 1.1 installed. In XenForo 1.2, there is a Route Changer feature.

Thanks! Do you know if it's possible to remove that section of the URL?
Suggestion: When you invite someone, is it possible to send them a conversation instead of an alert? I know when people get 10+ alerts, it is easy to get lost.
Suggestion: When you invite someone, is it possible to send them a conversation instead of an alert? I know when people get 10+ alerts, it is easy to get lost.
Whoever requested this wanted an alert, but I'm sure this could be added as an option. Please PM me if you want to contribute as I'm working on the update for Social Groups (to make it XF 1.2 compatible) right now.
Whoever requested this wanted an alert, but I'm sure this could be added as an option. Please PM me if you want to contribute as I'm working on the update for Social Groups (to make it XF 1.2 compatible) right now.

Okay fair enough. This might be something I will contribute towards (not that big of a deal). I am still happy to contribute toward the event calendar though.
After an update to 1.0.5 c on our XenForo 1.2.0 Beta 3 testforum I get this when trying to add a social node - already uninstalled and reinstalled, no change.

Any idea?


Bildschirmfoto 2013-07-17 um 13.03.42.webp

Bildschirmfoto 2013-07-17 um 13.03.48.webp
Waindigo updated Social Groups by Waindigo with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.6 released

New features:
  • Added support for XenForo 1.2, including ability to watch social categories and social forums (automatically imports watch data from Forum Watch More by Waindigo).
Bug fixes:
  • Fixes some server log errors when old links/bookmarks point to (or search bots attempt to re-index) pages relating to deleted social groups. Friendly errors should now be displayed in all cases.

Read the rest of this update entry...
When I tried to update this addon with Add-on Install & Upgrade by Chris Deeming, I saw this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_Waindigo_CustomFields_Extend_Waindigo_SocialGroups_Install_Controller in /.../library/XenForo/Application.php(449) : eval()'d code on line 1
After I disabled the Custom Fields addon I could run the update and after that I was able to enable the Custom Fields addon again.
Is there any way to make the forum/node invisible until a Moderator invites that member to join? There will probably be dozens of social groups and this can get overwhelming with so many. I figured if there was a way to make it so a member can only see the one they are apart of (or invited to), it would help.

I understand that you are very busy with updating your current add-ons to 1.2, however, I would love to expand on this idea. Is there any easy solutions to this that you can think of? Ignoring the invite idea, is there any way to use <xen if> to hide the other social forums once someone is a member of a particular social forum?
I understand that you are very busy with updating your current add-ons to 1.2, however, I would love to expand on this idea. Is there any easy solutions to this that you can think of? Ignoring the invite idea, is there any way to use <xen if> to hide the other social forums once someone is a member of a particular social forum?
The next update will include the ability to restrict the number of Social Groups a user can join, which should hopefully make it a bit easier for you.
Waindigo updated Social Groups by Waindigo with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.7 released

New features:
  • Adds the ability to set how many social forums a user can join -- this can be set on a per-node basis and also a global amount can be set. Note that this replaces the permission for joining a social forum, so you may have to set this permission up again.
  • Adds cached counts for each user for the number of social forums joined and created -- this is useful in conjunction with add-ons such as...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I understand that you are very busy with updating your current add-ons to 1.2, however, I would love to expand on this idea. Is there any easy solutions to this that you can think of? Ignoring the invite idea, is there any way to use <xen if> to hide the other social forums once someone is a member of a particular social forum?
You should now be able to do what you want to do by using the User Criteria by Waindigo add-on to upgrade users who have joined a social forum to a new user group that doesn't allow them to view any social forums that they have not joined.
I just moved a bunch of threads from a node to a social group, yet while the threads show the forum stats don't update (latest posts etc)

is there a query to force the update?
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