[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

xenforo 1.20 rc 1 and moved them via the query posted earlier in the thread

also after rebuilding a few more times it did show, however now the last post avatars dont show in social groups (using latest version found on RM)

any suggestions?

to clarifiy it shows when you view a group, however when viewing the list of groups it doesnt show (the avatars) just shows a ? image
@Richard.r This appears to be a bug in Last Post Avatar. I will look into it. Glad you sorted the other problem out as I was unable to replicate that.
I have installed this addon and disabled all other addons

I'm able to create the category but when I go to create social forum I get
The following error occurred
The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console.

The javascript console tells me

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to undefined method Waindigo_SocialUserGroups_Extend_Waindigo_SocialGroups_Model_SocialForumMember::countJoinedSocialForumsForUser() in <b>/home/kcgaming/public_html/library/Waindigo/SocialGroups/Model/SocialForumMember.php</b> on line <b>348</b><br />

Using 1.20 Rc1 with PHP 5.3.25

Can someone give me a few things to try
I have installed this addon and disabled all other addons

I'm able to create the category but when I go to create social forum I get

The javascript console tells me

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to undefined method Waindigo_SocialUserGroups_Extend_Waindigo_SocialGroups_Model_SocialForumMember::countJoinedSocialForumsForUser() in <b>/home/kcgaming/public_html/library/Waindigo/SocialGroups/Model/SocialForumMember.php</b> on line <b>348</b><br />

Using 1.20 Rc1 with PHP 5.3.25

Can someone give me a few things to try
I believe the latest update 1.0.7a has fixed this.
I am using Nodes as Tabs by Jake to set the Social category as a tab.. The "nodes as tabs" shows the tab of the social category but when clicked on it we are being redirected to homepage instead of the category page... what could be the reason?
A member of mine was a "Creator" and accidentally removed himself (not sure why?), is there anyway to make him a creator again without having him actually remake the social forum?

I am just wondering if it would be possible to have 2 installations of social groups on my forum. I would like to use one of the installations as a blogging service.

I would also like to know if it is possible to change the order of the communities in the forum display as the one with the most recent thread appear at the top of the listing, second recent comes second, etc?

I am just wondering if it would be possible to have 2 installations of social groups on my forum. I would like to use one of the installations as a blogging service.
Yes. Just create multiple Social Category nodes.

I would also like to know if it is possible to change the order of the communities in the forum display as the one with the most recent thread appear at the top of the listing, second recent comes second, etc?
This is not quite as simple as it sounds because not everyone has permission to view threads in every social group.
Yes. Just create multiple Social Category nodes.

This is not quite as simple as it sounds because not everyone has permission to view threads in every social group.

Hi @Waindigo,

If I set up another category, the button will display "Create New Social Group". That is fine, as I have social groups on my site, but for the blogs I would like it to say "Create New Blog". So I need both to be able to display.

The second part.... can you make an addon to change the display of groups? If so, how much?

Hi @Waindigo,

If I set up another category, the button will display "Create New Social Group". That is fine, as I have social groups on my site, but for the blogs I would like it to say "Create New Blog". So I need both to be able to display.
This will have to be done as a template edit with conditional statements to determine which node is being viewed.
I am using Nodes as Tabs by Jake to set the Social category as a tab.. The "nodes as tabs" shows the tab of the social category but when clicked on it we are being redirected to homepage instead of the category page... what could be the reason?
Is this in XenForo 1.2?
A member of mine was a "Creator" and accidentally removed himself (not sure why?), is there anyway to make him a creator again without having him actually remake the social forum?
The only way to do this currently is by remaking the social forum or running a database query manually (you will need access to PhpMyAdmin or similar to do this). The query is:
Rich (BB code):
UPDATE xf_social_forum_member SET is_social_forum_creator = 1 WHERE user_id = XXX and social_forum_id = YYY
replacing XXX with the ID of the user you want to set as creator and YYY as the ID of the social forum.
I am getting this error when trying to create a new thread in a social group.

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Waindigo_LastPostAvatar_Extend_Waindigo_SocialGroups_Model_SocialForum::canCreatePoll() in /home/thereefu/public_html/library/UserEss/ControllerPublic/Forum.php on line 23
I am getting this error when trying to create a new thread in a social group.

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Waindigo_LastPostAvatar_Extend_Waindigo_SocialGroups_Model_SocialForum::canCreatePoll() in /home/thereefu/public_html/library/UserEss/ControllerPublic/Forum.php on line 23
Does this error clear if you disable the User Essentials add-on?
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