Soft Responsive [Deleted]

Just checked out the changes with this on your site Arty. Muchhhhhh better. Now this is heading towards usable for modification and use. Look forward to this updated version.
Does this mean you will use this instead of going forward with your responsive addon project?
Arty updated Soft Responsive with a new update entry:

"Soft Responsive" style major update

Version 2.0 is available!

Changes from version 1.0:
  • Block wrappers, navigation, buttons, login bar handle have all been rebuilt using CSS3 instead of images.
  • Header and navigation were completely rebuilt.
  • More than 100 new style properties were added, making it easier to customize most parts of style.
  • New navigation for mobile devices.
  • Many bug fixes.
  • Better support for third party add-ons.
Additionally there were changes to color variations:
  • Green...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Does this mean you will use this instead of going forward with your responsive addon project?
At this point in time, I cannot answer that 100%. The issue with the proposed addon discussion is that dev feedback has said it is quite complicated to pull real-time browser width at the PHP level. This is usually something built at the core level of a CMS / software product, as that is the level required for it to function correctly.

As for Flexile conversion... I am still looking towards converting that, however; that was not going to be a released project, as Flexile is not mine to release.

Arty's style here was simply not an option at v1. V2 may be different... though I don't know as yet, as I haven't really sat down and played with the latest much. Only had a look at the beta release. This style had a lot of styling issues, though Arty has done a lot of rework to correct that, so this style may be able to do what I want it to, and get it close enough to the Flexile look for my site. Time will tell. I don't rush with styling. I buy lots of them, I play around with modifications for them, I take pieces of some and implement them into my own. Most I do nothing with.
Hi Arty,

Just upgraded to 2.0. I only overwrote the Soft Responsive style. For some reason my quick nav bar is a lot smaller then it should be. I purchased the branding free option and use XenPorta support you offer as well.

site is @

Any ideas? thanks

Hi Arty,

Just upgraded to 2.0. I only overwrote the Soft Responsive style. For some reason my quick nav bar is a lot smaller then it should be. I purchased the branding free option and use XenPorta support you offer as well.

site is @

Any ideas? thanks

View attachment 35630

Mine was like that at first. Couple of refreshes though and it started working as normal. Your mobile must just cache an old css class or something.
Arty is there anyway to add things to the navbar or does it just use the XF default? The reason I ask is, I use Google Calendar for embedding a TV guide which looks great on a desktop but I need to scale it down for mobile, if I could change the link of the TV guide for mobile that would be amazing. I know these styles are shared but I dont use it that way, I use XenFracture as my main style and your Soft Responsive for mobile only, so I thought id ask and see if its possible? thanks
Navbar in XenForo has functionality to add custom links, it is fully supported by this style in all layouts. Where exactly do you want to add that block and how does it look?
Navbar in XenForo has functionality to add custom links, it is fully supported by this style in all layouts. Where exactly do you want to add that block and how does it look?
Yep, I got no problem adding links to the navbar thanks to Jakes add-on nodes as tabs, but, is there a way to show a different navbar in soft responsive theme only( I only use soft responsive for mobile devices, main style is XenFracture )

When I used Russ mobile theme it had its own navbar so I was able to link a seperate XF page when the style was triggered. I had my main TV Guide and then the same TV guide with custom dimensions and showing agenda instead of a full calendar which made it suit mobile devices because you didnt need to scroll horizontally to see the whole calendar. Ive attached a screenshot of what it looks like now because both XenFracture and Soft Responsive use the same navbar.. I hope I made sense lol

1st pic is how it looks when I browse to it on my phone(Samsung Galaxy Nexus)

2nd pic shows what the agenda version looks like(I just clicked agenda from the calendar, but I know I can make it fit perfectly if im able to link to a different page from the mobile SR theme)
I've checked your website on phone and I can see that issue. Unfortunately nothing can be done about it. Calendar is created using multiple tables, some are absolutely positioned on top of each other.

Some adjustments for other pages (add this to extra.css):
.recentNews .primaryContent, .sectionMain.mediaList { background: transparent none !important; box-shadow: none !important; border-width: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; }
.sectionMain.mediaList .subHeading { display: none !important; }
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px), only screen and (max-device-width: 700px)
  .mediaList li { display: block; width: auto; }
I've checked your website on phone and I can see that issue. Unfortunately nothing can be done about it. Calendar is created using multiple tables, some are absolutely positioned on top of each other.

Some adjustments for other pages (add this to extra.css):
.recentNews .primaryContent, .sectionMain.mediaList { background: transparent none !important; box-shadow: none !important; border-width: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; }
.sectionMain.mediaList .subHeading { display: none !important; }
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px), only screen and (max-device-width: 700px)
  .mediaList li { display: block; width: auto; }
Thanks for looking into it Arty.

I added this to the extra.css file(of the lowest child theme - the one I will never update), I thought it had something to do with the XenMedio videos but I am not sure as I cant see the difference? What are these edits meant to change?

Thanks Arty
It was supposed to, but extra.css was included before that add-on's css, so original rules overwrote it. :(

.mediaList li { display: block; width: auto; }
.mediaList li { display: block !important; width: auto !important; }
It was supposed to, but extra.css was included before that add-on's css, so original rules overwrote it. :(

.mediaList li { display: block; width: auto; }
.mediaList li { display: block !important; width: auto !important; }
Wow thats amazing! thank you. That looks so much better!
I dont think there is but I might as well ask, is there a way to do the same for the embedded youtube videos?

As you can tell I am Jaxel add-on dependant, so I am happy to test anything out for you, thanks Arty
No, those videos are embedded via iframe. Style can't scale down contents of iframe.
Thought so. Im not sure how familiar you are with Jaxels add-on's, but there is a settings page for this kind of thing in the add-on itself. This is something id need to ask Jaxel but theres no point because hes lacking in the support department.

I think your reply still stands that nothing can be done, but if you have any ideas please let me know, im willing to try anything to get videos to autoscale on mobile devices - I would even pay for this.


If video isn't embedded in iframe, most likely it is done via flash. As far as I know, scaling down flash object via css isn't possible ether.
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