XF 1.0 Pages

Pages allow you to manage simple content in the node tree. Find out more here:


The node list display could do with some improvements. We have some ideas about that.

The exact look of the auto-generated navigation is a work-in-progress as well. :)
To extend on what Erik is trying to explain, it would be much better to install WP and XF in different directories to prevent any problems. Most sites do this anyway, so I'm not sure why you'd want WP inside a XF page.

Example of what I mean:

Wordpress location: http://example.com/
xenForo Location: http://example.com/forum/

That setup makes a lot more sense than putting Wordpress inside a page, which to my knowledge would need to be accessed like this: http://example.com/forum/pages/wordpress/

Good question though! I'm curious to see if the development team has any additional comments on this.
I'd like to understand if I am able to achieve a mini-portal system using Pages. This could be achieved if bbcode allows php calls, or if the 'xenforo template system' (whatever that is) lets me use SQL queries and format the results.

Objective is to have a repeating block, which pulls out header/first 100 words/date and formats it nicely. Loop would pull out the most recent 10 posts.
Outcome would be something like this (attached), perhaps without the images since I don't think there's a "thumbnail" field for forum posts. It'd be dynamically generated.
Is that outcome within the parameters of Pages?
Don't quote me on this but I seem to remember reading that php isn't possible in Pages.

I think it's limited to basic CSS and HTML.
That helps. Presume that's true, then...
I wonder if it allows bbcodes. I also wonder what the 'xenforo template system' means and is; I don't understand its purpose to therefore determine what it might do.
I wonder if it allows bbcodes. I also wonder what the 'xenforo template system' means and is; I don't understand its purpose to therefore determine what it might do.
There has been quite a lot of discussion regarding whether to use a WYSIWYG editor or HTML in the Pages; see here: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/suggestion-wysiwyg-editor-in-pages-split-from-hys-pages.4260/
Currently they can't use BB Code/WYSIWYG but whether that changes in the future, I don't know.

The Xenforo template system means you can use things like <xen:sidebar> and a sidebar will automatically be created.
In a sense it's similar to BB Code but for XenForo pre-defined components.
That sounds like you're saying "HTML precludes the use of bbcode."
This is what Kier had to say on it.

The biggest obstacle to adding a WYSIWYG editor to the Pages editor is the fact that it would block your ability to use XenForo template syntax within the page, which rather completely defeats the point of the system, in my opinion.
Don't quote me on this but I seem to remember reading that php isn't possible in Pages.

I think it's limited to basic CSS and HTML.
... and how I can include a "dynamic" page with xF look and feel without PHP???????????
Can someone point out to me why it is an Advantage to have "Pages" as a Part of the Forum structure ?
I see it as a liability.
I want to be able to make pages anywhere.

Need: I want to make my own Tab called: Installation. I want to put a main page with a few pictures and a couple of pages with more detail - similar to the Help Tab. Is that possible ?
Can someone point out to me why it is an Advantage to have "Pages" as a Part of the Forum structure ?
I see it as a liability.
I want to be able to make pages anywhere.
I'm not sure I understand your point.
XenForo is forum software so it stands to reason that Pages are part of the larger forum structure.

What do you mean by make Pages anywhere?

Adding new tabs is easily achieved with template edits and you can then link those tabs to any Page you want.
Forinstance: I want to be able to make my own Help Tab.

or on this website, I might want to make a Resources Tab, with lists of resources.
as well, for this site, I would start creating a list of features under a Features Tab, as a method of attracting new customers.

Would Pages created as outlined here, work OK for this, or would they keep pointing to
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