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[LN] Blog

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Looks really exciting and looking forward to install and use it when editing capability is in place. Donate from me is a matter of course when you reach a version 1 - but hope you make it all phrased and dont have hardcoded english language in scripts.
The only basic function there is editing a blog entry in beta 1 (user group permission based, user-edit own, moderator-edit any). This will be expanded dramatically in beta 2. Editing entry comments themselves is beta 2.

Everything is already phrased. In fact, a member here is already working on it for translation in French if I'm not mistaken, and beta 2 introduces more, obviously needed for the new features. I'm aware of it's importance. :)
Hey... some Suggestions!

1. Past months archive of blog-posts
2. Related Blog posts
3. About the author (a few lines that describes the author)
4. Group Blogs (We can have a blog where multiple users are allowed to write)
5. Categories. One post can be a part of several categories.
6. Annonymous commenting
7. Tags
8. Entry Thumb
9. Entry Rating
Hey... some Suggestions!

1. Past months archive of blog-posts
2. Related Blog posts
3. About the author (a few lines that describes the author)
4. Group Blogs (We can have a blog where multiple users are allowed to write)
5. Categories. One post can be a part of several categories.
6. Annonymous commenting
7. Tags
8. Entry Thumb
9. Entry Rating
1) Group blog entries by months you mean?
2) Not quite sure how I'd pull this off at the moment, probably something for later.
3) A small text-field, user-set I imagine?
4) Been suggested, marked down for sometime.
5) Same as #4.
6) Not setup for this, could be though but might not be in v1.0
7) Also in the future, though if this is done I can do #2 much easier.
8) I'm not sure what you mean by this.
9) Also on the plant for sometime in the future.
1) Group blog entries by months you mean?
2) Not quite sure how I'd pull this off at the moment, probably something for later.
9) Also on the plant for sometime in the future.

Quite simply becomes more and more excited the longer I follow this thread
great start.

It would be nice to see a "blog" tab in the user profile though showing the blog entries.
great start.

It would be nice to see a "blog" tab in the user profile though showing the blog entries.
Beta 1 was released the day after RC3 came out, and there was only about 6(?) hooks or so; I hadn't gone back to do anything beyond making sure beta 1 worked on RC3. Beta 2 will make use of the new hooks that were introduced where relavent, which includes profile tabs if I recall correctly. :)
2) Not quite sure how I'd pull this off at the moment, probably something for later.
7) Also in the future, though if this is done I can do #2 much easier.

I believe Tags is what the related posts plugin in Wordpress uses, so you are correct on that one :)

Keep up the good work.
I was planning to integrate Word Press into my XF forums today. I was not looking forward to installing another piece of software, integrating it, learning it, and dealing with the various challenges. But I also see the value of blogs in driving users to deliver more content, which in turn adds value to my site.

I'll wait until March for beta 2 to be released then install it. I sincerely hope things are far enough along to be able to use your blog solution. I support Tigratrus' vision of how a forums, CMS and Blog should integrate, and LN Blog seems to be a nice fit. I am a user of XenPorta and it seems there is an opportunity for big synergies.
I was planning to integrate Word Press into my XF forums today. I was not looking forward to installing another piece of software, integrating it, learning it, and dealing with the various challenges. But I also see the value of blogs in driving users to deliver more content, which in turn adds value to my site.

I'll wait until March for beta 2 to be released then install it. I sincerely hope things are far enough along to be able to use your blog solution. I support Tigratrus' vision of how a forums, CMS and Blog should integrate, and LN Blog seems to be a nice fit. I am a user of XenPorta and it seems there is an opportunity for big synergies.
Thank you for the feedback.

Beta 2 should be out within a week more or less. ;)
I get the following error in one certain entry but it doesn't happen to the 2 other entries I created. Error message I'm getting but it does submit the entry.Btw. Great work on the blog, the many custom classes gives a lot of freedom when styling. :thumbsup:

XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in LNBlog/ControllerPublic/Entry.php at line 99
LNBlog_ControllerPublic_Entry->actionAddComment() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in C:/Program Files/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/xenforo/index.php at line 17
I get the following error in one certain entry but it doesn't happen to the 2 other entries I created. Error message I'm getting but it does submit the entry.Btw. Great work on the blog, the many custom classes gives a lot of freedom when styling. :thumbsup:

XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in LNBlog/ControllerPublic/Entry.php at line 99
LNBlog_ControllerPublic_Entry->actionAddComment() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in C:/Program Files/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/xenforo/index.php at line 17
Odd... I haven't come across this and no one else seems to have reported a similar issue, and the fact it's just one puzzles me.

That line relates to comments–is that what you're doing? And are you editing a comment and then saving, or just posting new comments.
LOL Here's what happened. About 2 hours ago I couldn't wait any longer for the comp to shutdown so switched it off at the mains. When I switched it back on the windows xp time and date set at 2003. So I tried correcting that and the error seems to have vanished and I can now make comments without the error message appearing.

Need Moderation system . Delete certain blog posts made by members , enable,disable Latest Blog Posts sidebar for forums .
LOL Here's what happened. About 2 hours ago I couldn't wait any longer for the comp to shutdown so switched it off at the mains. When I switched it back on the windows xp time and date set at 2003. So I tried correcting that and the error seems to have vanished and I can now make comments without the error message appearing.

View attachment 11707
Glad you got it sorted. :)

Need Moderation system . Delete certain blog posts made by members , enable,disable Latest Blog Posts sidebar for forums .
Yes, the "basic stuff" I've mentioned several times already will be in beta 2. :)

Enabling/disabling the block on the forum home will be there as well.
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