GoodForNothing Notification

GoodForNothing Notification 1.0.6 Update 3

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installed and seems to be working as expected. no errors, etc.
my only suggestion would be some option to leave a fake alert open for admin to make it easier to style, position etc.
Umm, maybe a silly question: But does the JS used in this addon run only for logged-in users? I don't want to feed Google Bots with extra JS on every page.
I get this:
Fatal error: Class 'GFNCore_Installer_Controller_Install' not found in /home/gamerebels/public_html/library/GFNCore/Installer/Abstract.php on line 59
I get this:
Fatal error: Class 'GFNCore_Installer_Controller_Install' not found in /home/gamerebels/public_html/library/GFNCore/Installer/Abstract.php on line 59
Ah... An issue with the packager... Download and extract the previous version and the overwrite the files from the latest version... I'll fix the package once I get back.
This is a really neat addon, thank you.
Because we have a white box on a white background, it looks a little confusing.
It would be improved enormously in my opinion, with a faint border.
1px solid @faintText maybe.
And maybe a box-shadow to bring it out of the page a bit.
However if I use the style properties to put a border on the 'notification item', the border doesn't collapse during the animation. If I put a border on the 'notification content' the avatar is larger and exists above the border.
What's the best way to achieve the desired result please?

[Edit : having this installed screws up the styling on some pages. Is there something in the css or the javascript which could be breaking the css on some pages? Had to disable the addon for now.]
having this installed screws up the styling on some pages.
Can you take a screenshot?

What's the best way to achieve the desired result please?
You'll have to do a little template edit: Open the template gfnnotify_item.css, search for the block
.notificationItem .userAvatar

replace it with:
.notificationItem .userAvatar {
   height: {xen:calc "@notificationAvatarSize - 2"}px;
   display: block;
   position: absolute;
   top: 1px;
   left: 1px;
   z-index: 1000;

and then add the border to the Notification Item Content property, and the avatar should be inside the border. (y)
Thank you for the css tip.
Can you take a screenshot?
When the addon is disabled, the gfnnotify css is not included in the css.php call and it works fine:

When the addon is enabled, this is the css.php call:
and this causes a 502 Bad Gateway error. So none of the css in that call is loaded and the page looks very broken.
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