GoodForNothing Notification

GoodForNothing Notification 1.0.6 Update 3

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However if I use the style properties to put a border on the 'notification item', the border doesn't collapse during the animation
Yes I have the same issue, anyone have a solution for this? For now I just removed the border but would like to have one.
@Stuart Wright I am not sure why the css will return a bad gateway error... My only guess is because the the css 'get' parameter is too long, so php-fpm is dropping the connection?
Message from our host (Nimbus):
I've taken a look into this, but I have not been able to diagnose the cause.
I did confirm that it is not the length of the GET request in the URL as reducing the length of the URL doesn't fix the issue, whereas removing only "gfnnotify_item," from the URL does.

Also, PHP-FPM just dies when the request is made, so there are no errors to assist with debugging the issue.
@Stuart Wright I just found something: if I load the same URL for your live site: the CSS successfully loads including the rules for the notification add-on...
That's odd because the addon was disabled until just now.
I enabled it and loaded a bunch of pages. On first load there is an error, but refreshing fixes it. This is still a problem if visitors to the website are seeing the same broken pages.
I'll PM you the sandbox login details. Thank you.
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing Notification with a new update entry:

Fixed potential issue causing php to crash.

If CSS minification is enabled, some server might crash (mine didn't crash for some reason) while minifying the keyframes block. I've moved the keyframes to an external css file (already minified) to /styles/default/gfnnotify/keyframes.min.css which should this issue.

Also, there was an error in the User data writer proxy class which prevented change of the alert preference (silly me).


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Stuart just installed an add on of mine which required changing the date to make the js reload. Anyways, since then a lot of people are having issues with the css not loading. Could this be because of the bug you fixed on Dec 16th? IM just really confused because I didn't have any css involved in my add on so the whole thing makes no sense.
@Daniel Hood I can't really say without accessing their sites. By fixing the bug, I just move the CSS keyframes block from XenForo's template system to an external file so that the minifier does not crash, and with that it does not have any direct connection with css.php.
Stuart just installed an add on of mine which required changing the date to make the js reload. Anyways, since then a lot of people are having issues with the css not loading. Could this be because of the bug you fixed on Dec 16th? IM just really confused because I didn't have any css involved in my add on so the whole thing makes no sense.

@Daniel Hood I can't really say without accessing their sites. By fixing the bug, I just move the CSS keyframes block from XenForo's template system to an external file so that the minifier does not crash, and with that it does not have any direct connection with css.php.
Thank you both. In the end the issue was with our load balancer running out of space. Just a cruel coincidence that it happened when we switched on Daniel's addon, which works fine.
I suggest you use Color Palette values for your style properties colors for it to be compatible with most style.
Thanks :)
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing Notification with a new update entry:

Code Refactoring. New Feature.

This version includes some changes in core files. And also added the requested feature where when a user clicks the poped'up alert, the alert will automatically be marked as read.


And also, I've created a GitHub repo: so if you have an account and want to post a suggestion/issue please use the GitHub issue to make my life a lil' bit easier :)

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