Digital Point Spy

Digital Point Spy 1.3.0

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@digitalpoint what code and which template (spy_index?) would I need to modify to make the clickable links that are generated in the spy from posts, to open in a new browser tab/window?

I've tried target=blank, bodyonload=",'_blank');", etc. no luck.
It would be in the DigitalPointSpy/ControllerPublic/Spy.php file... adding target="_blank" to the <A> tags should do it for you.
Cool add-on but it has no options. :(

I need to choose which usergroups can view it
Pick which nodes it pulls from.
Choose what it shows. ex: Just posts, threads, etc. No mod actions.
Will this addon get an update for several requested features:
  • limitation of actions displayed
  • limitation to user groups
Will this addon get an update for several requested features:
  • limitation of actions displayed
  • limitation to user groups
No, there are not plans for that right now. Maybe someday in the future when I have spare time, but I have none of that right now.
I installed it but it is not coming up on my forum if I type in spy after my webaddress I can see it, but it did not put a link anywhere on my forum. Was it suppose to?
Yes... it normally adds it to your navigation to the normal sub-section under the main tabs as you can see here:

If it didn't do that, are you using a custom style or something? It uses the template modification system so it keys on what is normally there in a default style.
Probably easiest just to add it manually to the navigation template in that case. Like I said, it keys on something that is the default XenForo navigation template for determining where to place it. Specifically it's looking for this string and placing it's link after it:
<li><a href="{xen:link 'find-new/posts'}" rel="nofollow">{xen:if $visitor.user_id, {xen:phrase new_posts}, {xen:phrase recent_posts}}</a></li>
...if it can't find that string, it won't place it since it won't know where to put it.
heh, @Stuart Wright I just hacked in the time when I was messing with it -- it's not even time-zone appropriate.

Meant to do more real changes to it in the future... we came from a different spy plugin before that had different features that people miss.

One user has hacked up the js to make a split view, and improved view: Modding the new MR Spy | MacRumors Forums
Thanks. Sounds
heh, @Stuart Wright I just hacked in the time when I was messing with it -- it's not even time-zone appropriate.

Meant to do more real changes to it in the future... we came from a different spy plugin before that had different features that people miss.

One user has hacked up the js to make a split view, and improved view: Modding the new MR Spy | MacRumors Forums
Thanks. Maybe Shawn will pick it up and run with it for us and the Digital Spy community.
@Stuart Wright FYI... I did the edit to the php file to show the time, but it shows a time that is +5hrs. I went in anc changed my server time and it didnt change anything... anything to do to make it reflect the local user time or at least the server time?
@Stuart Wright FYI... I did the edit to the php file to show the time, but it shows a time that is +5hrs. I went in anc changed my server time and it didnt change anything... anything to do to make it reflect the local user time or at least the server time?

making it time-zone aware is more involved. I haven't done it yet. It's not as simple a change.
I want to investigate putting Spy on our home page at Audio and Video Home Entertainment Resource and Community | AVForums inside a div with limited height so that maybe 5 or so of the most recent items are visible. A scroll bar will appear and grow for people to scroll down to see the older items.
This would be excellent to show people how active the forum is.
Can anyone help me achieve that, please?

I put this into our template
<xen:require css="discussion_list.css" />
<xen:require css="spy.css" />
<xen:require js="js/digitalpoint/spy.js" />
<script type="text/javascript">
<div id="spyContents" class="discussionList sectionMain">
   <dl class="sectionHeaders">
     <dd class="event"><a><span>{xen:phrase event}</span></a></dd>
     <dd class="location"><a><span>{xen:phrase who_where}</span></a></dd>
     <dd class="info"></dd>
   <ol class="discussionListItems" />
but the Spy isn't populating.
Any ideas why not please?
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