Digital Point Spy

Digital Point Spy 1.3.0

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Has it been recent activity? It prunes itself so isn't going to show stuff that happened more than an hour or two ago. It's intended for realtime stuff happening "now".
just to recap what I did to install the add-on
after unzipping the .zip file I uploaded the folder DigitalPointSpy from the upload/library folder to the library folder on my server. I also used the Install AddOn utility to upload the .xml file. After that there were no other steps to configure the addon and the Spy menu item appeared at the site.

was I also supposed to upload the js folder to the server somewhere?
Forgive me for being mostly inadequate (@Brogan might argue I'm entirely inadequate!) when it comes to XF forums admin duties but I'm trying.

So I thought about this a little more because our members really want a feature like the Forum Spy (they call it a post hucker from another site, but I digress).

It seems your INSTALLATION.TXT file says to install the contents of the Install directory to the server but the directions here at the add-on page say only to upload the contents of the Library folder which is what I did followed by the .XML file install.

I went back and looked at the contents of the Upload folder and saw the JS folder in there and uploaded those contents to my JS folder on the server and the add-on is now working!

Maybe you can change the directions in the first post of the Overview page here to include uploading the contents of the JS folder? That might help the next Admin that is short on skills to get it right the first time?

Thanks again, if it works well the next few days we'll purchase the licensed copy. :)
I've had a skim through the posts but cant see a way of removing a section/forum from the spy?

I have a section where vloggers can post their videos but I don't allow these threads to show as new posts etc, it helps people get talking, rather than spamming videos
1.5.7 / 1.5.8

Strange behavoir where it reports new users , but not content of new posts !

Any ideas?
Internally the code is pretty straightforward. It piggybacks the DataWriter for posts and anytime a new post is created, it adds it relevant into to the Spy table. Do you have any addons that you can think of that might be doing something with the post DataWriter? If it overrides stuff instead of extending the method, that would be an issue.
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