Digital Point Spy

Digital Point Spy 1.3.0

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If you customized it to only work with specific members, you would want to customize the tab to only show for those specific members too. Normally it works (and the tab shows) for everyone.
So i need to add this on the navigation template, but can't seem to find the spy add-on code for the tab.

<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
So i need to add this on the navigation template, but can't seem to find the spy add-on code for the tab.

<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
It's a template modification it applies to the "navigation" template, not a template itself.
A few ways you could do it... you could disable that template modification and just make your own right in the template itself. Or you could make your own template modification that is triggered after the one that comes with the Spy so it applies your modification to the Spy modification.
ok worked but whoa, I did not realise the transparency this has.. showing moderator actions and reported posts. I had to quickly disable it when I saw this. Our reported posts are based on anonymity, last thing we need are members seeing who has reported each other. I need to disable moderator actions and reported posts to use this. I saw some vague instruction in this thread but it doesn't seem to apply. If anyone can point me to the way to have it only show user content updates it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
ok worked but whoa, I did not realise the transparency this has.. showing moderator actions and reported posts. I had to quickly disable it when I saw this. Our reported posts are based on anonymity, last thing we need are members seeing who has reported each other. I need to disable moderator actions and reported posts to use this. I saw some vague instruction in this thread but it doesn't seem to apply. If anyone can point me to the way to have it only show user content updates it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Members see that, or staff only?
Well it is a "spy" afterall. Lol
The description is just 'Spy for realtime monitoring of things going on within your forum.' It would be helpful to have more explicit details in the description about what things are shown. I've seen this on macrumors and never realized that it showed moderator actions or reports.
The description is just 'Spy for realtime monitoring of things going on within your forum.' It would be helpful to have more explicit details in the description about what things are shown. I've seen this on macrumors and never realized that it showed moderator actions or reports.
I think macrumors customized theirs from what others are saying. It seems like all it would take is a small code tweak/hack to stop the mod actions and reported posts?
Bummer, I've been using this add-on for years but it looks like after upgrading core to 1.5.14 and all of our add-ons there is now a conflict somewhere.
Bummer, I've been using this add-on for years but it looks like after upgrading core to 1.5.14 and all of our add-ons there is now a conflict somewhere.
Maybe it will help you, I had a conflict with one of AndyB's plugins, unfortunately I needed Andy's plugin so I had to remove this and make a live feed page with WF instead which works quite well. Search this thread and you should find which addon caused the issue, I can't remember which one it was.
Maybe it will help you, I had a conflict with one of AndyB's plugins, unfortunately I needed Andy's plugin so I had to remove this and make a live feed page with WF instead which works quite well. Search this thread and you should find which addon caused the issue, I can't remember which one it was.
Thanks - I do use a few of AndyB's plugins. I'll research what you did. Appreciate it.
Maybe it will help you, I had a conflict with one of AndyB's plugins, unfortunately I needed Andy's plugin so I had to remove this and make a live feed page with WF instead which works quite well. Search this thread and you should find which addon caused the issue, I can't remember which one it was.
Is the live feed plugin you went with available here btw?
Bummer, I've been using this add-on for years but it looks like after upgrading core to 1.5.14 and all of our add-ons there is now a conflict somewhere.

Yeah there was a conflict with @AndyB's addons. Once I went through disabling them one by one, I was able to get the Spy to work again.
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